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Displaying all tests names on Bamboo



Is there a way to display all tests names in Bamboo, instead of only the names of the failed/fixed tests. When I browse to the tests section of the result page of the build, only the total number of tests is displayed, e.g. '30 tests in total'. What I actually want to see is a list of all tests performed.

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Sergii Dumyk Avatar asked Feb 09 '12 13:02

Sergii Dumyk

2 Answers

Go to your build results, choose the test tab and click on the small arrow on the left of the screen.

enter image description here

A navigator will show up.

enter image description here

Click on the job for which you want to see the test results and a list with all tests will show up in the right part of the screen.

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Coert Metz Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 03:11

Coert Metz

The way I did this was to go to the Logs section for the test, and click Download.

Then, for TestNG which reports PASSED/FAILED I did:

grep -P "(PASSED|FAILED):" xxxxx.log

I agree though, it would be helpful to see which tests actually ran from within Bamboo.

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Isak Swahn Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 03:11

Isak Swahn