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Display version on screen from config.xml in Ionic2



We are developing an app which has a screen named "About Us" where we want to display the app's version number which is same as in config.xml file.

<widget id="com.myApp.MyAppName" version="2.0.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/ns/widgets" xmlns:cdv="http://cordova.apache.org/ns/1.0">

Is there any way to copy the version no from the mentioned xml file to my screen's ts file or vice-versa?

like image 670
Nikhil Avatar asked May 04 '17 07:05


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Using getVersionNumber function you can get the version.

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For ionic 4, there is no android-versionCode field. So you should change the version in widget field (usually line 2) in the config. xml file. In this case, just change the version from 0.0.

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@mburger81 With the new release of Ionic v3 we will no longer be modifying the package.json file. Also the config.xml rewrite will only occur only with 'ionic cordova run' or 'ionic cordova emulate'. That being said I second the comment by @dwieeb there isn't a good way to prevent the rewrite of config.xml.

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1 Answers

Check this plugin out: http://ionicframework.com/docs/native/app-version/

Github link : https://github.com/whiteoctober/cordova-plugin-app-version

Let me know if this work out for you. Can help with specifics if needed.

like image 60
Sagar Kulkarni Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 18:09

Sagar Kulkarni