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decode a html in typeScript angular 2

I'm getting from the back-end an encode html but I can't decode it.

I tried with decodeURIComponent and decodeURI.

I got from server='
"<table style="background-color: white;">
                    <div id="voucher">
                                <td colspan="1" class="normal-left">ID:</td>
                                <td colspan="3" class="normal-left">ce203c7c804c4f258947adf3d63b2d7d</td>

// This is my HTML

<ion-content padding>
    <span [innerHtml]="aux"></span>

And this is the result

I used to decode in Jquery with document.getElementById("aux").innerHTML = $('').html(voucher).text();

But I don't know if Angular 2 has something similar.


like image 301
Javier Perez Avatar asked Nov 29 '16 00:11

Javier Perez

1 Answers

Maybe you need some directives, such as [innerHtml]. Please to use try this example:

 <div [innerHTML]="var_string"></div>

and the var_string = "<strong>example</strong>";

like image 186
Celso Agra Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 16:10

Celso Agra