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display number with commas and decimal points




I want to display a number with commas and decimal point

CASE1 : example if the number is 3494309432324

display as 34,94,30,94,32,324 but not 34,94,30,94,32,324.00

Case 2 : if the number has decimal values them till 2 decimal points and with commas

display as 12,22,222.32

currently i do this for 2 decimal places but i dont get the commas

Label9.Text = sisRatio.ToString("#0.00");

any suggestions..


like image 217
user175084 Avatar asked Nov 23 '09 17:11


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1 Answers

Assuming you want the usual 3 numbers then a comma, I think this will do what you need:

Label9.Text = sisRatio.ToString("#,##0.##");

One slight issue with this is that it will only one decimal place if the second one would be 0

like image 132
JDunkerley Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09
