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How to highlight or change the color of some words in a label dynamically at runtime?





I have a label containing some text and I want to highlight or change the color of some words in the text of the label and not all of the words. It has to be dynamic. Any suggestions?

It's for c# with ASP.NET in a user control in webpart in sharepoint

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Ahmad Farid Avatar asked Jul 24 '09 14:07

Ahmad Farid

3 Answers

On the server-side, you could just embed some Html in your Label's text (VB):

myLabel.Text="Some normal text <span style='color: red;'>some red text</span>"

That's the basic mechanism, but 'dynamic' could mean a lot of things here. If you post some more details about exactly what you're doing, I might be able to help more.

One more thought: as Rob Allen pointed out, the Literal control may be a slightly better choice in this situation since it's intended to emit raw Html, whereas the Label wraps the text in a span so that the whole thing can be formatted easily.

Check this out for more details: StackOverflow: Literals versus Labels

For the record, depending on the situation I think a Label may actually be okay here.

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Brian MacKay Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10

Brian MacKay


wrap the words you want highlighted in a <span>. Then set the <span> style background-color to the colour of your choice, or use a CSS class to do so.

For example,

<asp:Label runat="server">
    <span style="background-color:Blue;">Hello</span> World


<asp:Label runat="server" Text="<span style='background-color:Blue;'>Hello</span> World" />


If setting this in code behind, then you can do something like the following

 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
 builder.Append([start of text]);
 builder.Append("<span style=\"background-color:Blue;\">");
 builder.Append([text to highlight]);
 builder.Append([rest of text]);

 Label.Text = builder.ToString();

If you needed to match text already in the label against some specific text then something like the following

 string theTextToMatch = "[Text to match]";
 string theText = Label.Text;

 int leftIndex = theText.IndexOf(theTextToMatch, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
 int rightIndex = leftIndex + theTextToMatch.Trim().Length;

 StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
 builder.Append(theText , 0, leftIndex);
 builder.Append("<span style=\"background-color:Blue;\">");
 builder.Append(theText, leftIndex, rightIndex - leftIndex);
 builder.Append(theText, rightIndex, theText.Length - rightIndex);

 Label.Text = builder.ToString();
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Russ Cam Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10

Russ Cam

I made a function to look up words in a text string and highlight them with color, the result is put into a label.

Function Remarcar(ByVal palabra As String, ByVal texto As String) As String

    Dim textoNuevo As String = String.Empty

    If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(palabra) Then
        Dim split As String() = texto.Split(New Char() {" "c})

        For Each str As String In split
            If str.ToLower.Contains(palabra.ToLower) Then

                Dim a As String = String.Empty
                Dim b As Int32

                For i = 0 To str.Length
                    If str.ToLower.Substring(i, palabra.Length) = palabra.ToLower Then
                        a = str.Substring(i, palabra.Length)
                        b = i
                        Exit For
                    End If

                textoNuevo &= str & " "

                textoNuevo = textoNuevo.Replace(str.Substring(b, palabra.Length), "<span style=""background-color:Yellow;"">" & a & "</span>")
                textoNuevo &= str & " "
            End If
        textoNuevo = texto
    End If

    Return textoNuevo
End Function

        Dim texto As String = "I made a function to look up words in a text string and highlight them with color, the result is put into a label."

        Label1.Text = Remarcar("highlight", texto)
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Anastacio Ham Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 12:10

Anastacio Ham