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Display name of a choice field in Django while using annotate

I am trying to get display names of choices when using annotate, but I haven't been able to figure out. I have the following query:


And the result is:

[{'count': 34, 'what': u'a'}, 
{'count': 39, 'what': u'c'}, 
{'count': 40, 'wat': u'p'}]

But I want something that displays the name of the choice field and not the key:

[{'count': 34, 'what': u'appreciative'}, 
{'count': 39, 'what': u'creative'}, 
{'count': 40, 'wat': u'promising'}]

I tried get_what_display (as mentioned on the docs and other stackoverflow answers on this topic), but django throws an error. i.e the following doesn't seem to work

like image 275
bachkoi32 Avatar asked Apr 02 '15 19:04


2 Answers

To accomplish this without iterating over the queryset you can use a conditional expression to annotate with the display attribute. Annotated attributes are available to use in .values().

from django.db.models import Case, CharField, Value, When

choices = dict(Survey._meta.get_field('what')[0].flatchoices)
whens = [When(what=k, then=Value(v)) for k, v in choices.items()]
survey_counts = (
    .annotate(get_what_display=Case(*whens, output_field=CharField()))
like image 75
bdoubleu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09


Building upon @bdoubleu's answer, I wrote the following generic conditional expression:

# myapp/utils.py
from django.db.models import Case, CharField, Value, When

class WithChoices(Case):
    def __init__(self, model, field, condition=None, then=None, **lookups):
        choices = dict(model._meta.get_field(field).flatchoices)
        whens = [When(**{field: k, 'then': Value(v)}) for k, v in choices.items()]
        return super().__init__(*whens, output_field=CharField())

# example usage
from myapp.utils import WithChoices
from myapp.models import MyModel
MyModel.objects.annotate(what_with_choices=WithChoices(MyModel, 'what')).values('what_with_choices')

There's probably a cleaner way to build that doesn't require passing the model arg to WithChoices but, hey, this works.

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airstrike Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
