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Display more than 100 entries through GraphQL API

I have tired pagination using endCursor and hasNextPage in github grpahQL API to get more than 100 data. Query I used is:

query {
      organization(login:"XXX") {
                   repository(name:"XX") {
                   pullRequests(first:100, states:[OPEN], after: "XXX" ) {

It is working. But in order to access further details,iterative pagination needs to be done. Can anyone provides an efficient alternative to traverse all pages programatically in GraphQL API?

like image 425
Vithursa Mahendrarajah Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 09:11

Vithursa Mahendrarajah

1 Answers

Taking inspiration from Simon Willison's 'Paginating through the GitHub GraphQL API with Python' here's what I've been doing to paginate my queries:

query {
  node(id: "PROJECT_ID") {
    ... on ProjectNext {
      items(first: 100 after: CURSOR) {
        pageInfo {
        nodes {
          fieldValues(first: 8) {
            nodes {
          content {
            ... on Issue {
              labels(first: 50) {
                nodes {

In my Python code I'm splicing in PROJECT_ID with a variable set to the project ID I'm referencing.

For the cursor after: CURSOR is replaced with "" initially, and then for the next page I set cursor = 'after:\\"' + response["data"]["node"]["items"]["pageInfo"]["endCursor"] + '\\"'

My full code is in the atdumpmemex module of my dump_cards utility.

The key here is to get pageInfo along with other relevant nodes, and then grab the endCursor each time hasNextPage is true so that it can be fed into the query for the next iteration.

pageInfo will look something like:

"pageInfo": {
  "hasNextPage": false,
  "endCursor": "Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpHOAAhOsg=="

At the moment the endCursor is base64 encoded cursor:v2:XYZ, but don't rely on that as GitHub have moved other IDs from being base64 encoded to other schemes.

like image 128
Chris Swan Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 18:12

Chris Swan