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GraphQL - spread input args

I'm trying to specify a GraphQL schema with a type that has various fields, and also allows you to tack on an OR: [...] recursively with the same arguments. I've got it working like this

input BookFilters {
  _id: String
  title: String
  title_contains: String
  title_startsWith: String
  title_endsWith: String
  OR: [BookFilters]

type Query {
   allBooks(_id: String
     title: String
     title_contains: String
     title_startsWith: String
     title_endsWith: String
     OR: [BookFilters]
   ): [Book]

which works great, and this query

  allBooks(title_endsWith: "1", OR: [{ title: "2" }, {title:"3"}, {OR: [{title_contains: "Q"}, {OR:[{title:"Q"}]}]}]) {

goes through just fine.

My question is, is there some way to remove the duplication? Ideally I'd love it if

type Query {
   allBooks(...BookFilters): [Book]

was valid, but it doesn't appear to be.

Edit - A comment brought up fragments. They can only be declared off of a type, right? So I'd still have a make a new type that lists all my query arguments, and then make a fragment off of it, re-listing all the fields?

Even if that's not so, GraphQL still doesn't seem to like spreading on input arguments.

fragment BookFiltersFragment on BookFilters {

type Query {
   allBooks(...BookFiltersFragment): [Book]

which errors out on the ...

like image 435
Adam Rackis Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 16:11

Adam Rackis

1 Answers

For the benefit of anyone winding up here, it looks like this is impossible, at least according to an Apollo dev.



like image 179
Adam Rackis Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Adam Rackis