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Display cookies in request headers in Safari 7

When examining request headers in Chrome or Opera using their default console, I can see in the request headers what cookies have been sent to the server and if server is trying to set a cookie, I can also see Set-Cookie header.

However, in Safari 7.1.2 I don't see these information, but I see other information such as Accept,, User-Agent, Referer etc.

Do I need to enable something to see the cookies in the Safari's console? How can I view cookies that are being sent together with the request?


P.S. I know that I can see cookies in the resources, but I need to know specifically in which requests the cookies are present.

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leopik Avatar asked Jan 08 '15 10:01


People also ask

How do I get the request header cookie?

To check this Cookie in action go to Inspect Element -> Network check the request header for Cookie like below, Cookie is highlighted you can see.

How do I view HTTP headers in Safari?

Turn on the "Develop" menu in Safari Preferences, then choose "Show Web Inspector" from the "Develop" menu. Click "Resources". Select the resource you want to inquire about and click "Headers". Thanks for that.

Are cookies in request header?

Cookies are returned by servers in the HTTP response header (Set-Cookie header) and included by the HTTP client (for example, a browser) in the subsequent HTTP request header (cookie header).

How do I see cookie requests?

In the developer tab related to the cookie, you can view only the cookie related to the response. In order to understand which headers was sent during the request, you have to move under the network tab and then you can click over your request. Here you can now see the headers related to your request.

1 Answers

As far as I know, modern versions of Safari will omit the "Set-Cookie" and "Cookie" headers in the responses, and requests, respectively. I guess the reason is "oh, you can see what cookies are set in the "Resources / Cookies" tab. However, that's of poor consolation when you're trying to determine if any Cookie headers are being sent, which is my situation.

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Chris Cogdon Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 16:10

Chris Cogdon