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How to implement remember me feature? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
What is the best way to implement “remember me” for a website?

Every user has unique 32 chars id (made of like this: md5("salt" . $username . $user_password . "salt2");). And I store this value under 'unique_id' field in table users. Is it a good way to assign this value to user's cookie and let him be logged in only if he has it assigned? And of course check it if that value exists in database?

I don't think it's a a good practise, because if someone steals your cookie, they will be able to log in to your account.

What's the other/better solution? Of course the safest thing is probably just to store it in sessions, but I want to implement this remember me feature.


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good_evening Avatar asked Mar 27 '12 13:03


People also ask

How does the Remember Me feature works?

Clicking the “Remember Me” box tells the browser to save a cookie so that if you close out the window for the site without signing out, the next time you go back, you will be signed back in automatically. Make sure that you have your browser set to remember cookies, or this function will not work.

How do you implement Remember Me functionality in react native?

removeItem('Longtail-User'); } catch (error) { // Error removing }}; 5. Last on componentDidMount (will run once when app loads) trigger function to check if a username exists and update state of username. This is all you need to add a Remember me functionality to your React Native app.

2 Answers

Say database table's name for persistent cookie is pcookies with the following columns:

  • cookie_id (CHAR)
  • user_id (INT)
  • expiry (DATETIME)
  • salt (CHAR)

Cookie creation steps:

  1. After successful login, create a cookie record in database under an unique id. You may generate it by hash_hmac('sha512', $token, $salt) where $token=uniqid($user_id, TRUE) and $salt=md5(mt_rand()).
  2. Store 'user id', 'expiration time' and 'salt' along with the 'cookie id' in database.
  3. Store 'cookie id' and 'token' in cookie.

Authentication steps:

  1. If there is a persistent cookie found, first check whether the record is available in database or not.
  2. If the record is available then check whether the cookie expires or not.
  3. If the cookie does not expire, then validate the cookie id by $cookie_id == hash_hmac('sha512',$token_from_cookie,$salt_from_db).
  4. Once the cookie is validated, delete it from database and create a new cookie according to the above cookie creation steps.
  5. If the cookie is found as invalid, then clear the cookie from the device and delete all other cookie records of the user from database, notice the use about a theft attempt and proceed to manual login process.


  • When session is available, ignore checking cookie.
  • After logout, clear the cookie along with the database record.
  • Never allow users to execute sensitive requests like password change or view credit card information from a persistent cookie login. Invoke password to login and add a flag in the session to allow all onward operations.
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A.N.M. Saiful Islam Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

A.N.M. Saiful Islam

These two posts provide excellent implementation guidelines for persistent login cookies:

  • http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/2004/01/19/persistent_login_cookie_best_practice/
  • http://jaspan.com/improved_persistent_login_cookie_best_practice

(Read them in the given order, since the second one improves the first one.)

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Sahand Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10
