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Display another field in many2one instead of name



I have a many2one field like this

'product_id': fields.many2one('product.product', 'Product', required=True)

It displays me all the product names (name attribute from product_template class) and stores id inside. I would like to display the part_number of the product instead of name and store id inside. Is there a way to do this in openerp7. Thanks for your time.

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Vivek Avatar asked Oct 22 '22 04:10


1 Answers

There are a couple of ways to do this.

The name that is displayed for relational fields is the result of the name_get method. You can inherit product.product and override name_get but that will affect the entire system, every time a product is displayed it will change this. You could code around this using the context but it is starting to get messy.

If you just want the code I would create a related field like this.

'product_ref': fields.related(
        help = 'The product part number',

and then use this on your form. The ORM layer is smart enough that if your particular record doesn't have a product ID or a product doesn't have a part number it will handle it gracefully.

If you needed to be a little trickier you could create a functional field that showed say the name and the part number for example.

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Adrian Merrall Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 04:12

Adrian Merrall