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openerp web client how to customize field (extend basic field widget)

I'm new to openerp's web dev, I would appreciate some help. I want to create count up timer widget, for example in a textbox, with start and a stop button (include in my new custom field or separate).

I made a small javascript function to count up time.

Should I create a new widget by extending basic FieldChar ? Create a new type of field ?

Where do I put my counter code, and how to display it on a char field (or new type of field) ?

I found some doc about how to extend with something like openerp.web.form.FieldChar :

openerp.web_mymodule = function(openerp) {
    init: function(view, node) {
        this._super(view, node);

I need some guidance to put all this together even with openerp's doc about how interface works.

Thanks in advance

Here is where I am: Module : web_uptimer


openerp.web_uptimer = function (openerp)
    openerp.web.form.widgets.add('uptimer', 'openerp.web_uptimer.CountUp');
    openerp.web_uptimer.CountUp = openerp.web.form.FieldChar.extend(
        template : "uptimer.template",
        init: function (view, code) {
            this._super(view, code);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<templates id="template" xml:space="preserve">
<t t-name="uptimer.template">

my quick count up timer test:

        <script type="text/javascript">
            var counter = 0;
            var minutes = 0;
            var hours = 0;
            var timer;
            var todisplay;
            var h2disp;
            var m2disp;
            var s2disp;

            function countUP ()
                counter = counter + 1;//increment the counter by 1
                if(counter == 60)
                    counter = 0;
                    minutes = minutes + 1;
                    if(minutes == 60)
                        minutes = 0;
                        hours = hours + 1
                if(counter < 10)
                    s2disp = "0" + counter;
                    s2disp = counter;
                if(minutes < 10)
                    m2disp = "0" + minutes;
                    m2disp = minutes;
                if(hours < 10)
                    h2disp = "0" + hours;
                    h2disp = hours;
                todisplay = h2disp + ":" + m2disp + ":" + s2disp;
                document.getElementById("timer_container").innerHTML = todisplay;
    <body onload='timer=setInterval("countUP()", 1000 );'>
        <div id="timer_container">00:00:00</div>
            <button onclick='clearInterval(timer);'>Stop Timer</button>
            <button onclick='timer=setInterval("countUP()", 1000 );'>Continue Timer</button>
like image 233
Jérémie Charton Avatar asked Nov 03 '22 07:11

Jérémie Charton

1 Answers

I managed to do my timer as an openerp action for trial, the timer counts up, display is updated etc...

Now I want this to become an openerp field which I could use in forms:

I'm close to it, but buttons aren't working anymore.

Here is my code:

module name is web_example:


openerp.web_example = function (openerp) {
        openerp.web.form.widgets.add('FieldUpTimer',     'openerp.web.form.FieldUpTimer');
        openerp.web.form.FieldUpTimer = openerp.web.form.FieldChar.extend({
         template: 'web_example.action',
        init: function () {
            this._super.apply(this, arguments);
            this._start = null;
            this._watch = null;


    start: function() {
        this.$element.find('button#bstart').click(_.bind(this.mystart, this));
        this._start = null;

    countUP: function (counter,minutes,hours,timer,todisplay,h2disp,m2disp,s2disp)
        var h, m, s;
        // Subtracting javascript dates returns the difference in milliseconds
        var diff = new Date() - this._start;
        s = diff / 1000;
        m = Math.floor(s / 60);
        s -= 60*m;
        h = Math.floor(m / 60);
        m -= 60*h;
                todisplay = _.str.sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s);
                document.getElementById("extimer").innerHTML = todisplay;

    mystart: function () {
            alert('pffff ça marche');
            //timer=setInterval(this.countUP(counter,minutes,hours,timer,todisplay,h2disp,m2disp,s2disp), 1000 );
            this._start = new Date();
                    this._watch = setInterval(this.proxy('countUP'),33);

            destroy: function () {
        if (this._watch) {



.openerp .oe_web_example {
     color: black;
     background-color: white;
     height: 100%;
.openerp .oe_web_example h4 {
    margin: 0;
    font-size: 100%;
.openerp .oe_web_example.oe_web_example_started .oe_web_example_start button,
.openerp .oe_web_example.oe_web_example_stopped .oe_web_example_stop button { display: none },

src/xml/web_example.xml: i remove < as I didn't (quickly) find a way to display html code correctly

    div t-name="web_example.action" class="oe_web_example">
        button type="button" id="bstart">start</button>

        h4 class="oe_web_example_timer" id="extimer">00:00:00</h4>
    button type="button" id="bstop">Stop</button>


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_web_example_form">
        <field name="name">web_example_class</field>
        <field name="res_model">web_example_class</field>

    <record model="ir.ui.view" id="action_web_example_form_view">
        <field name="name">web_example.form</field>
        <field name="model">web_example_class</field>
        <field name="type">form</field>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">
            <form string="Web Example View">
                <field name="test2" widget="FieldUpTimer"/>

<menuitem name="WEB EXAMPLE" action="action_web_example_form" id="web_example_menu"/>
like image 164
Jérémie Charton Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11

Jérémie Charton