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Discover long patterns


I have made an improvement of the algorithm that it takes an average of O(M + N^2) and memory needs of O(M+N). Mainly is the same that the protocol described below, but to calculate the possible factors A,K for ech diference D, I preload a table. This table takes less than a second to be constructed for M=10^7.

I have made a C implementation that takes less than 10minutes to solve N=10^5 diferent random integer elements.

Here is the source code in C: To execute just do: gcc -O3 -o findgeo findgeo.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <time.h>

struct Factor {
    int a;
    int k;
    struct Factor *next;

struct Factor *factors = 0;
int factorsL=0;

void ConstructFactors(int R) {
    int a,k,C;
    int R2;
    struct Factor *f;
    float seconds;
    clock_t end;
    clock_t start = clock();

    if (factors) free(factors);
    factors = malloc (sizeof(struct Factor) *((R>>1) + 1));
    R2 = R>>1 ;
    for (a=0;a<=R2;a++) {
        factors[a].a= a;
    R2 = floor(sqrt(R));
    for (k=2; k<=R2; k++) {
        while (C<R) {
            C >>= 1;
            f=malloc(sizeof(struct Factor));

    end = clock();
    seconds = (float)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    printf("Construct Table: %f\n",seconds);

void DestructFactors() {
    int i;
    struct Factor *f;
    for (i=0;i<factorsL;i++) {
        while (factors[i].next) {

int ipow(int base, int exp)
    int result = 1;
    while (exp)
        if (exp & 1)
            result *= base;
        exp >>= 1;
        base *= base;

    return result;

void findGeo(int **bestSolution, int *bestSolutionL,int *Arr, int L) {
    int i,j,D;
    int mustExistToBeBetter;
    int R=Arr[L-1]-Arr[0];
    int *possibleSolution;
    int possibleSolutionL=0;
    int exp;
    int NextVal;
    int idx;
    int kMax,aMax;
    float seconds;
    clock_t end;
    clock_t start = clock();

    kMax = floor(sqrt(R));
    aMax = floor(R/2);

    possibleSolution = malloc(sizeof(int)*(R+1));

    struct Factor *f;
    int *H=malloc(sizeof(int)*(R+1));
    memset(H,0, sizeof(int)*(R+1));
    for (i=0;i<L;i++) {
        H[ Arr[i]-Arr[0] ]=1;
    for (i=0; i<L-2;i++) {
        for (j=i+2; j<L; j++) {
            if (D & 1) continue;
            f = factors + (D >>1);
            while (f) {
                idx=Arr[i] + f->a * f->k  - Arr[0];
                if ((f->k <= kMax)&& (f->a<aMax)&&(idx<=R)&&H[idx]) {
                    if (f->k ==1) {
                        mustExistToBeBetter = Arr[i] + f->a * (*bestSolutionL);
                    } else {
                        mustExistToBeBetter = Arr[i] + f->a * f->k * (ipow(f->k,*bestSolutionL) - 1)/(f->k-1);
                    if (mustExistToBeBetter< Arr[L-1]+1) {
                        idx=  floor(mustExistToBeBetter - Arr[0]);
                    } else {
                        idx = R+1;
                    if ((idx<=R)&&H[idx]) {
                        possibleSolution[1]=Arr[i] + f->a*f->k;
                        exp = f->k * f->k * f->k;
                        NextVal = Arr[j] + f->a * exp;
                        idx=NextVal - Arr[0];
                        while ( (idx<=R) && H[idx]) {
                            exp = exp * f->k;
                            NextVal = NextVal + f->a * exp;
                            idx=NextVal - Arr[0];

                        if (possibleSolutionL > *bestSolutionL) {
                            *bestSolution = possibleSolution;
                            possibleSolution = malloc(sizeof(int)*(R+1));
                            kMax= floor( pow (R, 1/ (*bestSolutionL) ));
                            aMax= floor(R /  (*bestSolutionL));

    if (*bestSolutionL == 2) {
        for (i=0; (i<2)&&(i<L); i++ ) {
        *bestSolution = possibleSolution;
    } else {

    end = clock();
    seconds = (float)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
    printf("findGeo: %f\n",seconds);

int compareInt (const void * a, const void * b)
    return *(int *)a - *(int *)b;

int main(void) {
    int N=100000;
    int R=10000000;
    int *A = malloc(sizeof(int)*N);
    int *Sol;
    int SolL;
    int i;

    int *S=malloc(sizeof(int)*R);
    for (i=0;i<R;i++) S[i]=i+1;

    for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
        int r = rand() % (R-i);


    int step = floor(R/N);
    for (i=1;i<N;i++) {


    for (i=0;i<SolL;i++) {
        if (i>0) printf(",");
    printf("Size: %d\n",SolL);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


I will try to demonstrate that the algorithm that I proposed is O(N`2+M) in average for an equally distributed random sequence. I’m not a mathematician and I am not used to do this kind of demonstrations, so please fill free to correct me any error that you can see.

There are 4 indented loops, the two firsts are the N^2 factor. The M is for the calculation of the possible factors table).

The third loop is executed only once in average for each pair. You can see this checking the size of the pre-calculated factors table. It’s size is M when N->inf. So the average steps for each pair is M/M=1.

So the proof happens to check that the forth loop. (The one that traverses the good made sequences is executed less that or equal O(N^2) for all the pairs.

To demonstrate that, I will consider two cases: one where M>>N and other where M ~= N. Where M is the maximum difference of the initial array: M= S(n)-S(1).

For the first case, (M>>N) the probability to find a coincidence is p=N/M. To start a sequence, it must coincide the second and the b+1 element where b is the length of the best sequence until now. So the loop will enter N^2*(N/M)^2 times. And the average length of this series (supposing an infinite series) is p/(1-p) = N/(M-N). So the total number of times that the loop will be executed is N^2 * (N/M)^2 * N/(M-N). And this is close to 0 when M>>N. The problem here is when M~=N.

Now lets consider this case where M~=N. Lets consider that b is the best sequence length until now. For the case A=k=1, then the sequence must start before N-b, so the number of sequences will be N-b, and the times that will go for the loop will be a maximum of (N-b)*b.

For A>1 and k=1 we can extrapolate to (N-A*b/d)*b where d is M/N (the average distance between numbers). If we add for all A’s from 1 to dN/b then we see a top limit of:

\sum_{A=1}^{dN/b}\left ( N-\frac{Ab}{d} \right )b=\frac{N^2d}{2}

For the cases where k>=2, we see that the sequence must start before N-A*k^b/d, So the loop will enter an average of A*k^b/d)*b and adding for all As from 1 to dN/k^b, it gives a limit of

\sum_{A=1}^{dN/k^b}\left ( N-\frac{Ak^b}{d} \right )b=\frac{bN^2d}{2k^b}

Here, the worst case is when b is minimum. Because we are considering minimum series, lets consider a very worst case of b= 2 so the number of passes for the 4th loop for a given k will be less than

\frac{dN^2}{k^2} .

And if we add all k’s from 2 to infinite will be:

\sum_{k=2}^{\infty } \frac{dN^2}{k^2} = dN^2 \left ( \frac{\pi ^2}{6}  -1\right )

So adding all the passes for k=1 and k>=2, we have a maximum of:

\frac{N^2d}{2} +N^2d \left ( \frac{\pi ^2}{6}  -1\right ) = N^2d\left ( \frac{\pi ^2}{6} - \frac{1}{2}\right ) \simeq 1.45N^2d

Note that d=M/N=1/p.

So we have two limits, One that goes to infinite when d=1/p=M/N goes to 1 and other that goes to infinite when d goes to infinite. So our limit is the minimum of both, and the worst case is when both equetions cross. So if we solve the equation:

 N^2d\left ( \frac{\pi ^2}{6} - \frac{1}{2}\right ) = N^2\left ( \frac{N}{M} \right )^2\frac{N}{M-N} =N^2\left ( \frac{1}{d} \right )^2\frac{1}{d-1}

we see that the maximum is when d=1.353

So it is demonstrated that the forth loops will be processed less than 1.55N^2 times in total.

Of course, this is for the average case. For the worst case I am not able to find a way to generate series whose forth loop are higher than O(N^2), and I strongly believe that they does not exist, but I am not a mathematician to prove it.

Old Answer

Here is a solution in average of O((n^2)*cube_root(M)) where M is the difference between the first and last element of the array. And memory requirements of O(M+N).

1.- Construct an array H of length M so that M[i - S[0]]=true if i exists in the initial array and false if it does not exist.

2.- For each pair in the array S[j], S[i] do:

2.1 Check if it can be the first and third elements of a possible solution. To do so, calculate all possible A,K pairs that meet the equation S(i) = S(j) + AK + AK^2. Check this SO question to see how to solve this problem. And check that exist the second element: S[i]+ A*K

2.2 Check also that exist the element one position further that the best solution that we have. For example, if the best solution that we have until now is 4 elements long then check that exist the element A[j] + AK + AK^2 + AK^3 + AK^4

2.3 If 2.1 and 2.2 are true, then iterate how long is this series and set as the bestSolution until now is is longer that the last.

Here is the code in javascript:

function getAKs(A) {
    if (A / 2 != Math.floor(A / 2)) return [];
    var solution = [];
    var i;
    var SR3 = Math.pow(A, 1 / 3);
    for (i = 1; i <= SR3; i++) {
        var B, C;
        C = i;
        B = A / (C * (C + 1));
        if (B == Math.floor(B)) {
            solution.push([B, C]);

        B = i;
        C = (-1 + Math.sqrt(1 + 4 * A / B)) / 2;
        if (C == Math.floor(C)) {
            solution.push([B, C]);

    return solution;

function getBestGeometricSequence(S) {
    var i, j, k;

    var bestSolution = [];

    var H = Array(S[S.length-1]-S[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < S.length; i++) H[S[i] - S[0]] = true;

    for (i = 0; i < S.length; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            var PossibleAKs = getAKs(S[i] - S[j]);
            for (k = 0; k < PossibleAKs.length; k++) {
                var A = PossibleAKs[k][0];
                var K = PossibleAKs[k][17];

                var mustExistToBeBetter;
                if (K==1) {
                    mustExistToBeBetter = S[j] + A * bestSolution.length;
                } else {
                    mustExistToBeBetter = S[j] + A * K * (Math.pow(K,bestSolution.length) - 1)/(K-1);

                if ((H[S[j] + A * K - S[0]]) && (H[mustExistToBeBetter - S[0]])) {
                    var possibleSolution=[S[j],S[j] + A * K,S[i]];
                    exp = K * K * K;
                    var NextVal = S[i] + A * exp;
                    while (H[NextVal - S[0]] === true) {
                        exp = exp * K;
                        NextVal = NextVal + A * exp;

                    if (possibleSolution.length > bestSolution.length) {
                        bestSolution = possibleSolution;
    return bestSolution;

//var A= [ 1, 2, 3,5,7, 15, 27, 30,31, 81];
var A=[];
for (i=1;i<=3000;i++) {
var sol=getBestGeometricSequence(A);


You can check the code here: http://jsfiddle.net/6yHyR/1/

I maintain the other solution because I believe that it is still better when M is very big compared to N.

Just to start with something, here is a simple solution in JavaScript:

var input = [0.7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 15, 27, 30, 31, 81], 
    output = [], indexes, values, i, index, value, i_max_length,
    i1, i2, i3, j1, j2, j3, difference12a, difference23a, difference12b, difference23b,
    scale_factor, common_ratio_a, common_ratio_b, common_ratio_c,
    error, EPSILON = 1e-9, common_ratio_is_integer,
    resultDiv = $("#result");

for (i1 = 0; i1 < input.length - 2; ++i1) {
    for (i2 = i1 + 1; i2 < input.length - 1; ++i2) {
        scale_factor = difference12a = input[i2] - input[i1];
        for (i3 = i2 + 1; i3 < input.length; ++i3) {
            difference23a = input[i3] - input[i2];
            common_ratio_1a = difference23a / difference12a;
            common_ratio_2a = Math.round(common_ratio_1a);
            error = Math.abs((common_ratio_2a - common_ratio_1a) / common_ratio_1a);
            common_ratio_is_integer = error < EPSILON;
            if (common_ratio_2a > 1 && common_ratio_is_integer) {
                indexes = [i1, i2, i3];
                j1 = i2;
                j2 = i3
                difference12b = difference23a;
                for (j3 = j2 + 1; j3 < input.length; ++j3) {
                    difference23b = input[j3] - input[j2];
                    common_ratio_1b = difference23b / difference12b;
                    common_ratio_2b = Math.round(common_ratio_1b);
                    error = Math.abs((common_ratio_2b - common_ratio_1b) / common_ratio_1b);
                    common_ratio_is_integer = error < EPSILON;
                    if (common_ratio_is_integer && common_ratio_2a === common_ratio_2b) {
                        j1 = j2;
                        j2 = j3
                        difference12b = difference23b;
                values = [];
                for (i = 0; i < indexes.length; ++i) {
                    index = indexes[i];
                    value = input[index];
if (output !== []) {
    i_max_length = 0;
    for (i = 1; i < output.length; ++i) {
        if (output[i_max_length].length < output[i].length)
            i_max_length = i;
    for (i = 0; i < output.length; ++i) {
        if (output[i_max_length].length == output[i].length)
            resultDiv.append("<p>[" + output[i] + "]</p>");


[1, 3, 7, 15, 31]

I find the first three items of every subsequence candidate, calculate the scale factor and the common ratio from them, and if the common ratio is integer, then I iterate over the remaining elements after the third one, and add those to the subsequence, which fit into the geometric progression defined by the first three items. As a last step, I select the sebsequence/s which has/have the largest length.