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What's the best way to dedupe a table?

I've seen a couple of solutions for this, but I'm wondering what the best and most efficient way is to de-dupe a table. You can use code (SQL, etc.) to illustrate your point, but I'm just looking for basic algorithms. I assumed there would already be a question about this on SO, but I wasn't able to find one, so if it already exists just give me a heads up.

(Just to clarify - I'm referring to getting rid of duplicates in a table that has an incremental automatic PK and has some rows that are duplicates in everything but the PK field.)

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froadie Avatar asked Feb 09 '10 15:02


People also ask

Which command is used to remove duplicate values of a table?

We can use Common Table Expressions commonly known as CTE to remove duplicate rows in SQL Server. It is available starting from SQL Server 2005. We use a SQL ROW_NUMBER function, and it adds a unique sequential row number for the row.

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DELETE Duplicate Records Using ROWCOUNT So to delete the duplicate record with SQL Server we can use the SET ROWCOUNT command to limit the number of rows affected by a query. By setting it to 1 we can just delete one of these rows in the table.

1 Answers

SELECT DISTINCT <insert all columns but the PK here> FROM foo. Create a temp table using that query (the syntax varies by RDBMS but there's typically a SELECT … INTO or CREATE TABLE AS pattern available), then blow away the old table and pump the data from the temp table back into it.

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Hank Gay Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Hank Gay