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Disabling Word-Wrap in XCode

I'd like to disable the Word-Wrap "feature" in XCode. Can this be done? I can't find a setting or a hotkey that will do this.

Also, before stating "long lines of code are bad-- keep them short and format the wrapping yourself", please realize two things.

First, I often keep multiple code pages open for reference, so they are each pretty small. Second, I am using XCode strictly as an editor for an existing, embedded systems project. I didn't write most of this code and much of it is 80+ characters wide because of heavy use of code indention.

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RLH Avatar asked Oct 12 '11 13:10


People also ask

How do I turn off word wrap in Visual Studio code?

Basic Editing in Visual Studio Code By default, editor. wordWrap is off but if you set to it to on, text will wrap on the editor's viewport width. "editor. wordWrap": "on" You can toggle word wrap for the VS Code session with ⌥Z (Windows, Linux Alt+Z).

What is word wrap in visual studio?

To eliminate those disappearing lines on the demo computer we use in the course, he turned on word-wrap for Visual Studio. This choice keeps all of the code on the screen by wrapping long lines of code back to the left hand margin. If you like that idea, it's easy to turn on that option.

1 Answers

This is moved (at least as of) Xcode 12.4:
Xcode > Preferences > Text Editing > Display > Wrap lines to editor width

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Graystripe Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
