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Disabling Gradle daemon in a specific project

I'd like to build certain projects without the use of of Gradle daemon. I've read that this can be done either by command-line argument --no-daemon or by changing Gradle properties under .gradle/. I need to disable it for just some of the projects I build under the root project though.

Is it possible via settings.gradle/build.gradle settings or am I better off making custom build script?

like image 911
Dropout Avatar asked Oct 22 '18 11:10


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1 Answers

You can simply add org.gradle.daemon=false to a gradle.properties file in the project root folder.

The daemon documentation mainly talks about disabling the daemon altogether on a machine but the gradle properties documentation indicates that the location where a property / value pair is declared is irrelevant, they are sourced from different location, with overwrite rules.

like image 89
Louis Jacomet Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 08:01

Louis Jacomet