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Disable/Enable button conditionally based on scroll position

I need to activate a checkbox once a user has scrolled to the bottom of a terms and conditions section of a form. The will be a section in part of a checkout page for ecommerce site.

I have seen arguments on here about this, but per our lawyers, it has to be this way on our site for liability reasons. An accept button at the end of the scroll box would be the last resort, as it seems to confuse some of our users who think it is not there at all no matter how much info we give them about where the button is.

I sourced this code and manipulated it to try and get it to do what I wanted. My code is listed below. It doesn't work. I have successfully disabled the button, however I cannot seem to reactivate it.

I am pretty new to javascript and any help would be greatly appreciated.

    <title>Scroll Test</title>
    <script language="JavaScript">


<form name="form22" action="javascript: alert('Form submitted!');" onSubmit="return formValidation(this);">

    License Agreement:<br />
    <textarea name="licenseAgreement" rows="10" cols="45">This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.

    This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.

    This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.

    This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.

    This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.

    This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.

    This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.

    This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.

    This is my long, long license agreement where you agree to all of my demands.


    <input name="button" type="checkbox" value="Submit" disabled> I agree


like image 767
Ashley Avatar asked Oct 06 '11 04:10


People also ask

How do you disable a button until another button is clicked?

You can just add "disabled" to your button, and then when the user locks in their answer, enable it again. Additionally, it's not best practice to split your JavaScript into a bunch of different script tags. Put them all in one place.

How do I make a button disabled?

The disabled attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, it specifies that the button should be disabled. A disabled button is unusable and un-clickable. The disabled attribute can be set to keep a user from clicking on the button until some other condition has been met (like selecting a checkbox, etc.).

How disable submit button until form is filled jQuery?

$('#enabled'). click(function () { if ($('#submit-button').is(':disabled')) { $('#submit-button'). removeAttr('disabled'); } else { $('#submit-button'). attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } });

How do I stop a Web page from scrolling to the top when a link is clicked?

To stop a web page from scrolling to the top when a link is clicked that triggers JavaScript, we call preventDefault in the link's click handler. document. getElementById("#ma_link").

1 Answers

Using normal JS it adds a few things we need to check. Consider the following:

Get the LicenseAgreementElement:

var textElement = document.getElementsByName("licenseAgreement")[0]

Now that we have the element,

Get how much the licenseAgreement textarea scrolls to.


We need to check if the user has scrolled the entire AgreementElement ie. The scrollTop + height of the actual element.

textElement.scrollTop + textElement.offsetHeight >= textElement.scrollHeight

Attaching and event listener at the start provides us with the following:

document.getElementsByName("licenseAgreement")[0].addEventListener("scroll", checkScrollHeight, false);

function checkScrollHeight(){
    var textElement = document.getElementsByName("licenseAgreement")[0] 
    if ((textElement.scrollTop + textElement.offsetHeight) >= textElement.scrollHeight){
        document.getElementsByName("button")[0].disabled = false;

Enabling the checkbox when the condition is met.

Finally a small time example : JSFiddle

like image 175
cillierscharl Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09
