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Disable soft keyboard on NumberPicker

Just found this and it works like a charm:


You can also set this in XML:


Xml version of Andrew Webber's answer




After reading through the com/android/internal/widget/NumberPicker.java source code i got to the following solution:

// Hide soft keyboard on NumberPickers by overwriting the OnFocusChangeListener
OnFocusChangeListener fcl = new OnFocusChangeListener() {
    public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
        // Do nothing to suppress keyboard

((EditText) numberPicker.getChildAt(1)).setOnFocusChangeListener(fcl);

// Suppress soft keyboard from the beginning
((EditText) numberPicker.getChildAt(1)).setInputType(InputType.TYPE_NULL);

Just enhanced the @MaxVogler 's ans (so if wannt vote this vote @MaxVogler too) and make it a robust hack. Also we dont need to call setOnFocusChangeListener and setInputType. Only setFocusable to false will do.

Below is a helper api to enable/disable the feature

public static void enableNumberPickerManualEditing(NumberPicker numPicker,
        boolean enable) {
    int childCount = numPicker.getChildCount();

    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
        View childView = numPicker.getChildAt(i);

        if (childView instanceof EditText) {
            EditText et = (EditText) childView;

Here's another way to do it which enables the user still to edit a number if they want to - it just suppresses the soft keyboard initially. Use NumberPicker.setDescendantFocusability(FOCUS_BLOCK_DESCENDANTS) to suppress the soft keyboard when the interface first shows as per answers above. Then get your dialog or activity to implement View.OnTouchListener, call setOnTouchListener(this) on your NumberPicker, and in your implementation of onTouch(View v,MotionEvent e) reset the numberpicker descendant focusability to its normal value, then return false.

Returning false means that the touch is still processed by the NumberPicker, which means that if the user taps the edit box the soft keyboard comes up. This happens to be exactly what I wanted faced with the same problem - having the soft keyboard come up with the dialog when it first shows is displeasing as it shifts the dialog up after it appears.

public class GetBufferDialog extends DialogFragment implements View.OnTouchListener {

after creating the Dialog in the onCreateDialog() method and finding the NumberPicker:

m_oldFocus = m_numberpicker.getDescendantFocusability();

and here's the OnTouch method:

public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
    return false;

I don't know why it works, but setting OnClickListener which does nothing prevented keyboard from showing (Lollipop)

numberPicker.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
  public void onClick(View view) {

The simplest I found to work was :

numberPicker               = (NumberPicker) myDialogView.findViewById(R.id.myViewId);
EditText numberPickerChild = (EditText) numberPicker.getChildAt(0);