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Disable Resharper on a Project/Namespace level?

I don't want resharper to analyze my Test Project which has all my unit tests and mspec specs... It doesn't like them? Is there a way to turn off resharper on a project/namespace level?

like image 358
David Avatar asked Jul 17 '09 14:07


People also ask

How do you change the namespace of a project in Visual Studio?

You can change the default namespace: -> Project -> XXX Properties... Instead of Find/Replace, you can also right click the namespace in code and Refactor->Rename.

How do I ReSharper re enable?

In the Visual Studio menu, choose ReSharper | Options. In the Options dialog that appears, select a node in the left pane and configure settings in the right pane.

1 Answers

Goto Reharper-options, settings, and press the 'advanced'-button. There you can enter files and folders that are skipped during the analysis. Should work, when your unittest have their own solutions/folders.

From their online help under
Solution-Wide Analysis --> Reference: Code Inspection Settings:

Opens the Skip Files and Folders dialog box, allowing you to compile the list of files and folders that should be excluded from solution-wide analysis. See Solution-Wide Analysis for details.

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tanascius Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 12:11
