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How to get Resharper to use Visual Studio's snippets

I installed Resharper in VS2008 and it seems to have taken over some of the snippets I've come to rely on. For instance, prop, foreach, etc...

How can I tell Resharper to let VS2008 use its own snippets or at least not to overwrite snippets that already exist.
Better yet, is there a way to selectively tell Resharper which snippets it can overwrite and which it shouldn't?

I know about the Live Templates menu item that lets you pick and choose, but after deselecting 'foreach', for example, VS (or probably Resharper) treats it as a function. In other words, when I type 'fore' and hit tab for autocomplete, I end up with 'foreach()' instead of the snippet operation.


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AngryHacker Avatar asked Jan 23 '09 18:01


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2 Answers

You can uncheck the ones that you don't want to use from Live Templates window. foreach template is under iterations group.

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idursun Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 20:10


I know I am late to the party but you can use snippet editor to copy your snippet then paste it into Resharper through the live template editor. The code appears to be compatible. I did that with several of mine and it works just fine.

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ecathell Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 19:10
