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Disable Hot Code Replace for the Eclipse Java debugger [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How do I disable Hot Code Replace in Eclipse

When you change Java code while in a debugging session, Eclipse will upload the updated class files into the running JVM (hot code replace). This even works for remote applications.

Is there a way to turn Hot Code Replace off (within Eclipse, not at the remote JVM)?

We want to be able to debug our test and staging servers remotely, but prevent unintentional updates to the builds that they are running.

like image 807
Thilo Avatar asked Jul 23 '09 06:07


People also ask

How do I disable debugging in eclipse?

To stop debugging, use the "stop" button or right-menu option in the Debug window. Or tell the application being debugged to exit itself.

What is hot code replace in eclipse?

Hot code replace (HCR) is a debugging technique whereby the Eclipse Java debugger transmits new class files over the debugging channel to another JVM. In the case of Eclipse development, this also applies to the VM that runs the runtime workbench.

How do I stop Java debugging?

Stop the debugger session and rerun the programClick the Stop button or press Ctrl+F2 . Click the Run button near the main method. . From the menu, select Run. Verify that the program works correctly now.

What is hot code replace failed?

This means you changed a class while it was debugging an application and it could not update the class for the application while it was running. The error suggests you may be running an older JVM, i.e. pre-1.4. 2 but this error can occur with any JVM if the change is incompatible with the previous version of the class.

1 Answers

Here they say, that if HCR does not work, you may have 'automatic building' turned off.

So, maybe just switching off automatic building for debugging solves your problem.

like image 169
Andreas Dolk Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Andreas Dolk