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Disable horizontal scroll; but allow vertical scroll

I'm trying to disable horizontal scroll on a website; but allowing vertical scrolling.

I have a script which works like a slider by sliding the 'body' of the page left and revealing more contents. However this creates extra empty space on the right.

I need to disable horizontal scrolling so users don't see this empty space. I tried the following script but it disables both horizontal and vertical scrolling:

window.onscroll = function () {

I have tried overflow-x: hidden but that doesn't work when the body's width is dynamic and not static.


Is there a way to modify the above script to disable the horizontal scrolling and keep vertical scrolling?

like image 879
user2028856 Avatar asked Mar 27 '14 04:03


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4 Answers

You were close to get it. You need to get the documentor window— and bind the scroll: then you can check if the scrollLeft is updated to more than 0 and set the scrollLeft to 0.

The next code works well:

$(function() {

    var $body = $(document);
    $body.bind('scroll', function() {
        // "Disable" the horizontal scroll.
        if ($body.scrollLeft() !== 0) {


If you want to disable horizontal scroll for an element (like div, for instance) you only need to replace $(document) by $("#yourElementID")

JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/tomloprod/zx1bvdf5/


The above script will prevent you scroll horizontally and, in addition, you can use the next CSS style: overflow-x:hidden; to hide the horizontal scroll.

And will be like if there were no horizontal scrolling.

like image 99
tomloprod Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09


This should work (CSS):

html, body {
    max-width: 100% !important;
    overflow-x: hidden !important;
like image 33
Amit Joki Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Amit Joki

use overflow-x:hidden on your wrapper element


like image 26
Stanley Tso Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09

Stanley Tso

Without JQuery:

window.onscroll = function () {
  window.scrollLeft = 0;
like image 41
Mikaël Mayer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09

Mikaël Mayer