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Disable form autofill in Chrome without disabling autocomplete [duplicate]

How can we disable Chrome's autofill feature on certain <input>s to prevent them from being automatically populated when the page loads?

At the same time I need to keep autocomplete enabled, so the user can still see the list of suggestions by clicking on the input or typing in it. Can this be done?

EDIT: Feel free to use plain Javascript or jQuery if you feel it is necessary or you feel like it would make your solution simpler.

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Elias Zamaria Avatar asked Jun 07 '12 19:06

Elias Zamaria

People also ask

How do I stop autocomplete in form?

Add autocomplete="off" onto <form> element; Add hidden <input> with autocomplete="false" as a first children element of the form.

How do I stop textbox from auto filling?

Click the Display tab. Do one of the following: To enable AutoComplete for the text box, select the Enable AutoComplete check box. To disable AutoComplete for the text box, clear the Enable AutoComplete check box.

How do I remove Autofill Chrome address bar suggestions?

Then, when the unwanted autocomplete suggestion appears, use your keyboard's arrow keys to highlight the suggestion in the drop-down menu below the address bar. Finally, press Shift + Delete and poof! The suggestion disappears. On a Mac, you may have to press Shift + Fn + Delete .

1 Answers

Here's the magic you want:


Chrome intentionally ignores autocomplete="off" and autocomplete="false". However, they put new-password in as a special clause to stop new password forms from being auto-filled.

I put the above line in my password input, and now I can edit other fields in my form and the password is not auto-filled.

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Mirror318 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 22:09
