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Text that shows an underline on hover




Can you underline a text on hover using css? (Like the behavior of a link but not an actual link.)

  1. you have the following text Hello work
  2. when you hover your mouse over the text it underlines it using css

(the text is not a link)

like image 350
Lacer Avatar asked Mar 26 '14 22:03


People also ask

How do you text hover text?

HTML: Use a container element (like <div>) and add the "tooltip" class to it. When the user mouse over this <div>, it will show the tooltip text. The tooltip text is placed inside an inline element (like <span>) with class="tooltiptext" .

How do you show underline in HTML?

To underline a text in HTML, use the <u> tag. The <u> tag deprecated in HTML, but then re-introduced in HTML5. Now it represents a text different from another text stylistically, such as a misspelled word.

How do you underline text in CSS?

The property text-decoration-line is used to underline the text. This property has three values that are overline, underline, or line-through. So, the value underline is used to underline the text in CSS. This value draws the underline beneath the inline text.

Can you underline text on hover using CSS?

Can you underline a text on hover using css? (Like the behavior of a link but not an actual link.) Show activity on this post. Show activity on this post. You just need to specify text-decoration: underline; with pseudo-class :hover. I have whipped up a working Code Pen Demo.

What is expand Link’s underline on hover?

Basically, this type of t ext underlines the effect used by many popular websites nowadays. They use the underline effect of links like internal and external, this effect helps the users to indicate the link and customize the default link style. Today you will learn to create Expand Link’s Underline On Hover.

How to create an underline effect of links on the website?

How we can create an underline effect of links on the website? Solution: See this CSS Text Underline Hover Effect, Expand Underline On Hover. Previously I have shared the CSS link hover effect, but its underline expands and covers the whole text on hover. Basically, this type of t ext underlines the effect used by many popular websites nowadays.

What is T ext underline in CSS?

Previously I have shared the CSS link hover effect, but its underline expands and covers the whole text on hover. Basically, this type of t ext underlines the effect used by many popular websites nowadays.

1 Answers

<span class="txt">Some Text</span>  .txt:hover {     text-decoration: underline; } 
like image 104
effone Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
