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Disable drag to dismiss in SwiftUI Modal



I've presented a modal view but I would like the user to go through some steps before it can be dismissed. Currently the view can be dragged to dismiss.

Is there a way to stop this from being possible?

I've watched the WWDC Session videos and they mention it but I can't seem to put my finger on the exact code I'd need.

struct OnboardingView2 : View {      @Binding     var dismissFlag: Bool      var body: some View {          VStack {             Text("Onboarding here! 🙌🏼")             Button(action: {                 self.dismissFlag.toggle()             }) {                 Text("Dismiss")             }         }     } } 

I currently have some text and a button I'm going to use at a later date to dismiss the view.

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Rob Peach Mellor Avatar asked Jun 11 '19 04:06

Rob Peach Mellor

Video Answer

2 Answers

iOS 15

Starting from iOS 15 we can use interactiveDismissDisabled:

func interactiveDismissDisabled(_ isDisabled: Bool = true) -> some View 

We just need to attach it to the sheet. Here is an example from the documentation:

struct PresentingView: View {     @Binding var showTerms: Bool      var body: some View {         AppContents()             .sheet(isPresented: $showTerms) {                 Sheet()             }     } }  struct Sheet: View {     @State private var acceptedTerms = false          var body: some View {         Form {             Button("Accept Terms") {                 acceptedTerms = true             }         }         .interactiveDismissDisabled(!acceptedTerms)     } } 
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pawello2222 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 04:09


It is easy if you use the 3rd party lib Introspect, which is very useful as it access the corresponding UIKit component easily. In this case, the property in UIViewController:

VStack { ... } .introspectViewController {     $0.isModalInPresentation = true } 
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samwize Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 04:09
