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Disable calendar event moving - Vaadin

I want to disable moving events from Vaadin Calendar

All of these handlers are automatically set when creating a new Calendar. If you wish to disable some of the default functionality, you can simply set the corresponding handler to null. This will prevent the functionality from ever appearing on the user interface. For example, if you set the EventMoveHandler to null, the user will be unable to move events in the browser. --> Book of Vaadin

I tried:


calendar.setHandler((EventMoveHandler) null);
calendar.setHandler((BaseEventMoveHandler) null);

EventMoveHandler handler = null;

BaseEventMoveHandler baseHandler = null;
calendar.setHandler(baseHandler );

But nothing is working. Any suggestion....?

like image 796
KiKo Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 23:03


1 Answers

It really works for me with Vaadin 7.4.5:

like image 71
asmellado Avatar answered Mar 19 '23 17:03
