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Disable Browser Link - which toolbar

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How to turn off browser Link?

Disabling Browser Link There are several ways to disable it: In the Browser Link dropdown menu, uncheck Enable Browser Link. In the Web. config file, add a key named "vs:EnableBrowserLink" with the value "false" in the appSettings section.

What is Enable browser Link?

Browser Link uses SignalR to create a communication channel between Visual Studio and the browser. When Browser Link is enabled, Visual Studio acts as a SignalR server that multiple clients (browsers) can connect to. Browser Link also registers a middleware component in the ASP.NET Core request pipeline.


This should explain how to turn off browser link. You could do it via web.config:

    <add key="vs:EnableBrowserLink" value="false"></add>

or do it from the toolbar:

What Browser Link looks like in the Toolbar

If that button isn't available, go to VIEW > Toolbars > Standard and make sure it's checked. Keep in mind it's only available in VS2013 and later.

My refresh button was to the right in VS 2015 in case this helps anyone:

shows refresh button for enable browser link in vs 2015

Merely unchecking Enable Browser Link didn't do the trick for me in VS 2017.

I had to also uncheck Enable JavaScript debugging in ASP.NET in Tools > Options > Debugging as suggested here.

Update for 15.7.4: Not related to Browser Link specifically but I had to uncheck Stop debugger when browser window is closed in Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Web Projects to prevent new browser windows (not tabs) from being opened when starting a project with debugging.

Go to web.config and just type

      <add key="vs:EnableBrowserLink" value="false"/>

Finished! Ez and simple!

It looks like it can be difficult to identify where Browser Link button is. Show Browser Link button in the toolbar:

enter image description here