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Directory based environment variable scope - how to implement?

I have a set of tools which I need to pass parameters depending on the project I'm working on. I'd like to be able to automatically set a couple of environment variables based on the current directory. So when I switched between directories, my commonly used env vars would also change. Example:

Let's current directory is foo, thus if I do:

~/foo$ ./myscript --var1=$VAR1 

VAR1 would have some foo based value.

Then, let's say I switched to bar directory. If I do:

~/bar$ ./myscript --var1=$VAR1 

VAR1 should now have some bar based value.

Is that possible? How?

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Igor Gatis Avatar asked May 01 '11 13:05

Igor Gatis

People also ask

How do I set environment variable in CMD?

To set an environment variable, use the command " export varname=value ", which sets the variable and exports it to the global environment (available to other processes). Enclosed the value with double quotes if it contains spaces. To set a local variable, use the command " varname =value " (or " set varname =value ").

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Environ and set default:With the environ dictionary variable value of the environment variable can be set by passing the key in the dictionary and assigning the value to it. With setdefault a default value can be assigned to the environment variable. Bypassing the key and the default value in the setdefault method.

2 Answers

There is direnv which helps you do this stuff much easily and in an elegant way. Just define a .envrc file in your project directory with all the env variables needed and it will source it once you cd into that folder.

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sreenivas Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 15:10


the ondir program lets you specify actions to run when you enter and leave directories in a terminal

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Dan D. Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Dan D.