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Directed graph node neighbors


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What are the Neighbours of a directed graph?

For a directed graph a vertex u is an in-neighbor of a vertex v if (u, v) ∈ E and an out-neighbor if (v, u) ∈ E. We also say two edges or arcs are neighbors if they share a vertex.

What are the neighbors of a node in a graph?

In a graph, the neighbours of a node consist in the set of nodes that are connected to this node up to a certain distance, i.e., the number of steps between the source node and its neighbours. In weighted graphs, one can also consider the neighbours up to a certain maximal weight.

How do I find my neighbors nodes?

Use the len() and list() functions together with the . neighbors() method to calculate the total number of neighbors that node n in graph G has. If the number of neighbors of node n is equal to m , add n to the set nodes using the . add() method.

What is an out Neighbour?

The out-neighbors of a node N are all the nodes in the singly linked list belonging to that element N residing in the array (or hashmap) of the ALR (adjacency list representation) that defines the graph.

In a directed graph, what is a definition of a node neighbor ?

To be more specific, in the graph below, which nodes are considered to be neighbors of node 0?

enter image description here

Cracking the coding interview seems to suggest that both 1 and 2 are neighbors of 0, but it doesn't state it clearly and I can't find a proper definition online.


My confusions arises from this specific passage:

In the adjacency matrix representation, you will need to iterate through all the nodes to identify a node's neighbors.

This seems to imply that 2 is considered 0's neighbor, otherwise you just need to go through 0's row to find its neighbors. But it never says this clearly.