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HttpClientFactory - Get a named, typed client by its name

HttpClientFactory offers the following extension method:

public static IHttpClientBuilder AddHttpClient<TClient>(this IServiceCollection services, string name)

and I've created a typed HttpClient as follows:

public class CustomClient {

    public CustomClient(HttpClient client,
        CustomAuthorizationInfoObject customAuthorizationInfoObject) {
        /// use custom authorization info to customize http client

    public async Task<CustomModel> DoSomeStuffWithClient() {
        /// do the stuff


I can register this custom client in the program's ServiceCollection as follows:


I can then register a second instance of this CustomClient with some slightly altered info in it:

services.AddHttpClient<CustomClient>("AlternativeAuthInfo", (client) => {
    client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = ...;

Elsewhere in the program I now want to get a specific named CustomClient. This is proving the obstacle.

I can get whichever CustomClient was added to services last simply by requesting CustomClient from the service provider.

Calling IHttpClientFactory.CreateClient("AlternativeAuthInfo"), for example, returns an HttpClient, so I can't access the extra method in CustomClient, and there don't appear to be any other methods there that help me.

How therefore do I go about getting a named CustomClient? Or am I misusing the opportunity to name and reference a typed client via the original extension method?

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Anthony Avatar asked Sep 06 '18 10:09


People also ask

What is a named HttpClient?

AddHttpClient provides a way to centralize all the HTTP client configurations at one place. Named clients are a good choice when: The app requires many distinct uses of HttpClient . Many HttpClient s have different configuration.

What is a typed HttpClient?

A Typed Client is a class that accepts an HttpClient object (injected through its constructor) and uses it to call some remote HTTP service. For example: C# Copy.

What is IHttpClientFactory?

By Kirk Larkin, Steve Gordon, Glenn Condron, and Ryan Nowak. An IHttpClientFactory can be registered and used to configure and create HttpClient instances in an app. IHttpClientFactory offers the following benefits: Provides a central location for naming and configuring logical HttpClient instances.

1 Answers

I see that there is a ITypedHttpClientFactory<> interface that can wrap a regular HttpClient in a typed one. Not used it personally, but is that the missing piece?


/// grab the named httpclient
var altHttpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient("AlternativeAuthInfo");

/// get the typed client factory from the service provider
var typedClientFactory = serviceProvider.GetService<ITypedHttpClientFactory<CustomClient>>();

/// create the typed client
var altCustomClient = typedClientFactory.CreateClient(altHttpClient);
like image 71
Dave Cluderay Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Dave Cluderay