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Direct descendants only with jQuery's find()

Is it possible to select only direct descendants of an element using jQuery's find() or children() functions?

I have several ul elements, each with other ul elements inside them, and some root li elements too. I store a specific parent ul in a variable (as a jQuery object) and then look for any of the root li elements within using: my_root_ul.find('li');.

However, this method also finds any li that belongs to the ul inside the ul, if that makes sense.

My question is, how can I select only direct descendants of type li within the my_root_ul object using find(). Ordinarily, we could use something like $('ul > li') to return only direct li elements, but it must be possible to filter down the returned elements?

Here is an example to demonstrate what I mean:

<ul>     <li>I want this         <ul>             <li>I don't want this</li>             <li>I don't want this</li>             <li>I don't want this</li>         </ul>     </li>     <li>I want this</li>     <li>I want this</li> </ul> 
like image 809
BenM Avatar asked Dec 07 '11 12:12


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1 Answers

Like this:

my_root_ul.find('> li'); 

.children() also selects only the immediate children, so you can use that also:

like image 54
Tatu Ulmanen Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 20:10

Tatu Ulmanen