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Different ways to read large data in python




I'm dealing with large data, so finding a good way for reading data is really important. I'm just a little bit confused about different reading methods.

      for line in f:
          process line
     #how can I process nth line? can I?
  #f is a list
  #we can process nth line

  while True:

4.for line in fileinput.input():
  process line

What's the difference between 2 and 3 ? I just find their memory usage is the same. islice() also needs to first load the whole file into memory (but just later take bit by bit). And I hear the 4th method is the least memory-consuming, it's really processing bit by bit, right? For 10GB-scale file, which file-reading method would you recommend? Any thought/information is welcomed. thx

edit: I think one of my problem is I need to pick out specific lines randomly sometimes. say:

f1=open(inputfile1, 'r')
while True:
    line_group1 = list(islice(f1, 3))
    if not line_group1:
    #then process specific lines say, the second line.
    processed 2nd line
    if ( ....):
           LIST1.append(processed 2nd line)

And then sth. like

with open(file,'r') as f,
    for line in f:
       # process line

may not work, am I correct?

like image 692
LookIntoEast Avatar asked Dec 09 '11 16:12


3 Answers

You forgot -

with open(...) as f:
    for line in f:
        <do something with line>

The with statement handles opening and closing the file, including if an exception is raised in the inner block. The for line in f treats the file object f as an iterable, which automatically uses buffered IO and memory management so you don't have to worry about large files.

Both 2,3 are not advised for large files as they read & load the entire file contents in memory before processing starts. To read large files you need to find ways to not read the entire file in one single go.

There should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do it.

like image 149
Srikar Appalaraju Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 05:09

Srikar Appalaraju

Check out David M. Beazley's talks on parsing large log files with generators (see the pdf for the presentation):


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Bashwork Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09


You can use enumerate to get an index as you iterate over something:

for idx, line in enumerate(f):
    # process line

Simple and memory efficient. You can actually use islice too, and iterate over it without converting to a list first:

for line in islice(f,start,stop):
    # process line

Neither approach will read the entire file into memory, nor create an intermediate list.

As for fileinput, it's just a helper class for quickly looping over standard input or a list of files, there is no memory-efficiency benefit to using it.

As Srikar points out, using the with statement is preferred way to open/close a file.

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zeekay Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09
