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Different `grad_fn` for similar looking operations in Pytorch (1.0)

I am working on an attention model, and before running the final model, I was going through the tensor shapes which flow through the code. I have an operation where I need to reshape the tensor. The tensor is of the shape torch.Size([[30, 8, 9, 64]]) where 30 is the batch_size, 8 is the number of attention head (this is not relevant to my question) 9 is the number of words in the sentence and 64 is some intermediate embedding representation of the word. I have to reshape the tensor to a size of torch.size([30, 9, 512]) before processing it further. So I was looking into some reference online and they have done the following x.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(30, -1, 512) whereas I was thinking that this should work x.transpose(1, 2).reshape(30, -1, 512).

In the first case the grad_fn is <ViewBackward>, whereas in my case it is <UnsafeViewBackward>. Aren't these two the same operations? Will this result in a training error?

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abkds Avatar asked Apr 24 '19 17:04


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Autograd is a PyTorch package for the differentiation for all operations on Tensors. It performs the backpropagation starting from a variable. In deep learning, this variable often holds the value of the cost function. Backward executes the backward pass and computes all the backpropagation gradients automatically.

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1 Answers

Aren't these two the same operations?

No. While they produce effectively the same tensor, the operations are not the same, and they are not guaranteed to have the same storage.


// _unsafe_view() differs from view() in that the returned tensor isn't treated
// as a view for the purposes of automatic differentiation. (It's not listed in
// VIEW_FUNCTIONS in gen_autograd.py).  It's only safe to use if the `self` tensor
// is temporary. For example, the viewed tensor here (a + b) is discarded immediately
// after viewing:
//  res = at::_unsafe_view(a + b, size);
// This is a hack because in-place operations on tensors treated like views
// can be much more expensive than the same operations on non-view tensors.

Note this can produce an error if applied to complex inputs, but this is generally not yet fully supported in PyTorch and not unique to this function.

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iacob Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 21:10
