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Different Colored Markers with JvectorMaps

With JVectorMap, How can I add two sets of markers that are different colors? There's been one other question asked about it and the solution didn't work on JSFiddle. Right now I have markers like and I can attribute types, but I don't know the code that would change the colors of specific types. Any help?

<div id="map"></div>
    map: 'us_aea_en',
    zoomOnScroll: true,
    hoverOpacity: 0.7,
    markerStyle: {
      initial: {
        fill: '#800000',
        stroke: '#383f47'
    markers: [
      {latLng: [41.50, -87.37], name: 'Test1 - 2010', type : "chicago"},
      {latLng: [39.16, -84.46], name: 'Test2 - 2010'},
      {latLng: [39.25, -84.46], name: 'Test3 - 2010'}

like image 476
Aloke Desai Avatar asked Jun 04 '13 16:06

Aloke Desai

2 Answers

In the documentation of the plugin it is said:

Each marker is represented by latLng (array of two numeric values), name (string which will be show on marker's tip) and any marker styles.

So what we do is the following.

    markers: [
        { latLng: [38.90, -98.45], name: 'John Doe', style: {r: 8, fill:'yellow'}},
        { latLng: [46.90, -65], name: 'Label name', style: {r: 12, fill:'black'}},
        { latLng: [46.90, -65], name: 'Label name', style: {r: 4, fill:'red'}}

This way for every marker you create there will be different styles assigned to it.

like image 181
Marios Pittas Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 13:09

Marios Pittas

You may use style for different colors:

{latLng: [41.50, -87.37], name: 'Test1 - 2010', style: {fill: 'rgba(0,0,255,0.1)', r:20}},
like image 35
Steel Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 13:09
