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different between @Model and @model

Basically I'm doing a test caused by one of excpetion.

By using return View(list_a) in controller I passed a list into my view, On my View page, the code is like:

    ViewBag.Title = "KYC_Home";
@using UniBlue.Models;
@model UniBlue.Models.KYC
@foreach(KYC a in Model)

there will be an exception says:

CS1579: foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type 'UniBlue.Models.KYC' because 'UniBlue.Models.KYC' does not contain a public definition for 'GetEnumerator'

But, when i changed my code to @Model Page looks good but on the title it shows:

System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UniBlue.Models.KYC] UniBlue.Models.KYC

as regular HTML text

Can anybody tell me why this happened? What should I do to remove the strange title line?

like image 966
LifeScript Avatar asked Jul 19 '13 18:07


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1 Answers

One is used to declare the strong type that the model is, and the other is used to access the model itself.

The following says that the strong type used for the model is UniBlue.Models.KYC.

@model UniBlue.Models.KYC

This basically declares the 'variable' Model as that type. It's akin to doing the following:

UniBlue.Models.KYC Model;

Model is a variable, @model is a keyword saying what type Model will be.

Your error is because you've declared Model as KYC, but KYC is not enumerable. You're using it in a foreach expecting an IEnumerable<UniBlue.Models.KYC> which is not the case.

If your model is truly a list, then use

@model IEnumerable<UniBlue.Models.KYC>
like image 134
Matt Houser Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09

Matt Houser