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difference of speed in making a Table

I was reading a useful post at WRI blog on improving speed of code, and I need help in understanding this one.

Compare these speeds

 tbl = Table[i + j, {i, 1, 1000}, {j, 1, 1000}];     

{0.031, Null}


 a = 1000;
 tbl = Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}];

{0.422, Null}

So it is much faster when putting the actual value for the limit inside the table itself vs outside. The explanation for this, which I am sure it is correct, but I need help in understanding, is that Table is compiled if its limit are numeric vs. not, this is because its Attributes is HoldAll.

But my question is: How would the above actually work, because the limits to Table must, at one point, become numeric anyway? I can't write

tbl = Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}]

The above gives an error.

So, for me, writing a=1000 outside Table vs. inside, should have made no difference, since without a having a numerical value, Table[] can't do anything. So the replacing of a by the number 1000 must occur at one point of time by evaluator before Table[] can do anything useful, would it not?

In other words, what Table should see, eventually, is {i, 1, 1000}, {j, 1, 1000} in both cases.

So, the way I thought this would happen is this:

  1. Evaluator replaces a by 1000 in the arguments of table
  2. Evaluator calls Table with the result, which is now all numeric.
  3. Table Compiles, and runs faster now.

But what seems to happen is something else. (due to HoldAll ?)

  1. Table takes its arguments, as is. Since it has HoldAll, so it sees a and not 1000.
  2. It does not call Compile since its arguments are not all numbers.
  3. It now generate a table with the a limit, Evaluator evaluates a to 1000
  4. Table is generated now all limits are numeric, but slower now since code is not compiled.

Question is: Does the above sort of what happens? Could someone explain the steps that would have happened to explain this difference in timing?

Also, how would one insure that Table is Compiled in both cases in the above example, even if one uses a variable for the limit? It is not always possible to hardcode the numbers for the table limits, but one must sometime use a variables for these. Should one explicitly use the Compile command? (I do not use Compile directly, since I assumed it is done automatically when needed).


In answer to post by Mike below on finding no difference in timing when using a call.

Timing[a = 1000;
 tblFunc[a_] := Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}];


{0.031, True}

But that is because a is now the number 1000 INSIDE the function, once it is called. Since M passes things by VALUE.

If we force the call to be by reference, so that a is left unevaluated, then we get

Timing[a = 1000;
 tblFunc[a_] := Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}];

now we see the expected result, since now a is still symbolic INSIDE the function, we are back to square one, and now it is slow, since not packed. And since it is not packed, Compile is not used.

{0.437, False}

edit(2) Thanks to everyone for the answers, I think I learned allot from them.

Here is an executive summary, just to make sure I got everything ok.

enter image description here


Here are links I have specially related to hints to use to making Mathematica code runs faster.

  1. http://library.wolfram.com/howtos/faster/
  2. http://blog.wolfram.com/2011/12/07/10-tips-for-writing-fast-mathematica-code/
  3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4721171/performance-tuning-in-mathematica
  4. Using Array and Table Functions in Mathematica. Which is best when
like image 868
Nasser Avatar asked Jan 03 '12 07:01


3 Answers

So this is what I think is happening. The reason why you see the slow down between a numeric and a symbolic limit on Table is due to the fact that you do a double index. Each sub-table (e.g. going over all indices j for a fixed index i) is constructed separately and when the limit is symbolic there is an extra step involved in figuring out that limit before constructing each sub table. You can see this by examining, e.g.

Trace[a = 3;
      tbl = Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}];

David gives a good example for why you would want to do this check for every sub list. As to why Mathematica cannot figure out when this check is not needed I have no clue. If you only have one index to sum over there is no difference in speed between the symbolic and numeric version

Timing[tbl = Table[i + j, {j, 1, 1000}];]
{0.0012, Null}

Timing[a = 1000;
       tbl = Table[i + j, {j, 1, a}];
{0.0013, Null}

To answer your follow up regarding speed; making tbl a function is faster for both numeric and symbolic limits.

Timing[a = 1000;
       tblFunc[a_] := Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}];

{0.045171, Null}


Timing[tbl = Table[i + j, {i, 1, 1000}, {j, 1, 1000}];]
{0.066864, Null}

Timing[a = 1000;
       tbl = Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}];
{0.632128, Null}

You gain even more speed if you intend to reuse the tbl construction.

{0.000013, Null}
like image 151
Timo Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09


The key things to monitor, as others have mentioned, are packing and list length. I actually don't see the differences that Timo reports:

Timing[a = 1000;
 tblFunc[a_] := Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}];

{0.077706, True}


 tbl = Table[i + j, {i, 1, 1000}, {j, 1, 1000}];

{0.076661, True}

Timing[a = 1000;
 tbl = Table[i + j, {i, 1, a}, {j, 1, a}];

{1.02879, False}

So for me the only difference is if the list is packed. Whether it is a function makes no difference to timing on my set up. And as expected when you switch off autocompilation the timings are the same for all of the above because no packing occurs:

SetSystemOptions["CompileOptions" -> {"TableCompileLength" -> Infinity}];

{1.05084, False}


{1.00348, False}

{1.01537, False}

reset the table autocompile length:

SetSystemOptions["CompileOptions" -> {"TableCompileLength" -> 250}]
like image 3
Mike Honeychurch Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Mike Honeychurch

This is slightly OT, but for speed here you might want to avoid using the item-by-item processing that's implicit in using Table. Rather, use Outer. Here's what I'm seeing on my system:

   Timing[Outer[Plus, Range[5000], Range[5000]];]

   Timing[Table[i + j, {i, 1, 5000}, {j, 1, 5000}];]

Quite a dramatic difference.

like image 2
murray Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
