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Difference between Windows 8 Store Apps And Windows Phone Apps

I know this seems basic, but I have spent hours looking at docs and videos and cant seem to find the answer. Sorry if I'm being a doof.

Is there a difference between Windows 8 App Store Development and Windows 8 Phone Development? I am not sure if I need to test on both UI's?


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JsAndDotNet Avatar asked Nov 03 '12 04:11


People also ask

What is the difference between a desktop app and a Microsoft Store app?

Microsoft Store Apps: Interface. The same app can vary quite a bit between versions. In general, desktop apps offer more features and navigation icons, while Store apps use larger, more spaced-out buttons. This makes Store apps more convenient for touchscreen use.

Does Microsoft Store still work on Windows Phone?

The Windows Phone Store officially shuts down today (via Neowin). Following the shutdown, you will no longer be able to download apps from the store. Windows Phone 8.1 has been out of official support for well over a year, but the shut down of the Windows Phone Store kills the operating system off even more.

What is Windows Phone app?

Windows 10's Your Phone app links your phone and PC. It works best for Android users, letting you text from your PC, sync your notifications, and wirelessly transfer photos back and forth. Screen mirroring is on its way, too.

What App Store do Windows phones use?

Windows Phone Apps - Microsoft Store.

2 Answers

All these days I was thinking that Microsoft made Windows 8 as universal operating system for the various device like smart phone, tablet, surface tablet, desktop.

My assumption went wrong.

Windows RT runs on tablet and Windows 8 Pro runs on desk top, (windows RT and Windows 8 pro are different version of windows 8 OS).

Window Phone 8 OS is the second generation mobile operating system from Microsoft which runs under the mobile hardware.

Windows has got two different stores for Windows phone 8 App and Windows store app.

I started developing windows store app thinking that it will run on windows 8 phone. I really disappointed.

In case of android and IOS phone and tab share the same OS and single app run on both tab and phone. I am not sure why does Microsoft did not developed window 8 OS like that. I understand that internally windows phone 8 uses windows 8 kernel but still it is different operating system.

To Develop windows phone 8 app we have to use windows phone 8 sdk. Where as for the windows 8 store app we just use visual studio and store app framework. Correct me if I am wrong.

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Saravanan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09


If you have used the MVVM pattern (like you should) then you likely have separated your XAML and View Models, Models into separate projects. As a result, your non-XAML projects will port over to your Windows Phone 8 app almost 99%. There will be some subtle differences, but not many.

From the perspective of your XAML (or your UI) they simply have to be different because they are different form factors and Windows 8 controls (like AppBar) aren't in Windows Phone 8 and some Windows Phone 8 controls (like Panorama) aren't in Windows 8. As a result, you can't just take your W8 XAML and jam it into WP8 - it would possibly not work and certainly look bad.

Having said that, reusing the same strategies and design you implemented in W8 SnapView is probably a good idea - or at least a good start. But remember, we're talking UI here. Meanwhile, your WinRT-based code is almost completely portable.

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Jerry Nixon Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09

Jerry Nixon