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Difference between web designer, web developer, and web programmer [closed]



I always read "web designer", "web developer", and "web programmer", but don't understand the difference between them.

What is the difference? An example would be appreciated.

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giri Avatar asked Jan 20 '10 22:01


4 Answers

In my experience people use the designer label when they are talking about people who do front-end design -- graphics, user interface, etc and programmer/developer when talking about people who do back-end coding and, perhaps, front-end work as well. Other than the wording I don't consider there to be much difference between developer and programmer, though some may argue that a developer takes a role in more than just writing code. I would argue that all developer/programmers do this, but just to a greater or lesser extent.

FWIW -- I call myself a software developer who specialize in web applications. I usually do the whole gamut from UI design to backend implementation and testing.

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tvanfosson Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 13:11


I like to use an analogy

Web Designer: Interior Decorator/Designer

Web Developer/Programmer: Carpenter/Electrician/Plumber (As I always see these as interchangeable roles in web dev)

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Paul K Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Paul K

The way I always looked at it:

Web Designers make it look good.

Web Developers/Programmers make it work.

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Jack Marchetti Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 13:11

Jack Marchetti

Web designer: Someone who designs the look and feel of the web pages

Web developer: Someone who writes backing code for pages (ie HTML, CSS, etc)

Web programmer: Someone who uses backend server languages, like ASP, PHP, Ruby, etc, to write the logic for a web application.

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TheSmurf Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 14:11
