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Difference between $state.transitionTo() and $state.go() in Angular ui-router

In AngularJS, I see sometimes we use $state.transitionTo() and sometimes we use $state.go(). Can anyone tell me how they differ and when one should be used over the other?

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Barcelona Avatar asked Jan 14 '14 03:01


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The $state.go is an AngularJS directive that tells the view to update its URL to reflect the current state of the application. This directive is used to change the URL without navigating away from the current page.

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1 Answers

Are you referring to the AngularUI Router? If so, the wiki specifies the differences:

$state.go(to [, toParams] [, options])

Returns a Promise representing the state of the transition.

Convenience method for transitioning to a new state. $state.go calls $state.transitionTo internally but automatically sets options to { location: true, inherit: true, relative: $state.$current, notify: true }. This allows you to easily use an absolute or relative to path and specify only the parameters you'd like to update (while letting unspecified parameters inherit from the current state).

$state.transitionTo(to, toParams [, options])

Returns a Promise representing the state of the transition.

Low-level method for transitioning to a new state. $state.go() uses transitionTo internally. $state.go() is recommended in most situations.

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Michelle Tilley Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 20:09

Michelle Tilley