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Difference between 'self' and 'total' in Chrome CPU Profile of JS

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What does self CPU mean?

Self CPU indicates how much work was done by the code in the function body, excluding the work done by functions that were called by it. High Self CPU values may indicate a performance bottleneck within the function itself.

What is self time?

Self-time is the time taken by a method for all the lines of code within it and excluding the time taken by any other methods which were called inside it. Total time is the time taken by a method for all the lines of code within it and including the time taken by any other methods called inside it.

What is profiler in Chrome?

Recording Website's Load Performance If you want to measure how your website loads, you can click the Start profiling and reload the page button next to the Record button. This will record what is going on and below the page while it's being loaded.

self is how much time was spent doing work directly in that function.

total is how much time was spent in that function, and in the functions it called.

Self Time: For a function, is the amount of time to execute code within the function (inline statements). Checking the performance of individual functions is known as bottom-up analysis.

Total Time: For a function, is the self time of that function and the self times of all functions that function calls. Checking the performance of functions along with their callees is top-down analysis.

NB: Just because a function has a high self time, doesn't mean that the function itself is inefficient. It is also important to look at how many times that function is being called.

Article by Intel