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difference between SDK and IDE [closed]

I'm a little bit confused about these two terms, can somebody explain what is the difference, for example Eclipse is an example of IDE, there I can edit, debug, compile my program, but the same things I can do with SDK, am I wrong? thanks in advance

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helloWorld Avatar asked Jul 07 '10 16:07


People also ask

Is Eclipse an IDE or SDK?

The Eclipse SDK is the name of the delivery of the Eclipse project (that is Eclipse Workbench + JDT + PDE). The Eclipse IDE is a more generic name given to Eclipse-based IDE built by the Eclipse Packaging Project, so this typically adds Marketplace Client, EGit and many other things.

What is the full form of SDK and IDE?

SDK = Software Development Kit... the tools that do the tasks you mentioned above. IDE = Integrated Development Environment... A GUI for accessing the SDK tools and then some (features differ). Copy link CC BY-SA 2.5.

What is difference between IDE and JDK?

The JDK is the set of tools that allow you to write, compile and run Java code. The IDE relies on the JDK and has features to speed up your development activity.

1 Answers

An SDK usually only includes the necessary building blocks for developing applications. This includes frameworks, libraries, header files, whatever as well as compilers, debuggers, and various other tools, such as profilers, etc.

An IDE simply makes access to those more user-friendly (or integrated, hence the name), if you will. However, Eclipse for example comes with its own compiler as well.

In any case, an IDE allows you to develop applications from a single environment, be that Emacs, Visual Studio or Eclipse. If you only have an SDK you'd write programs with a text editor, compile them with the compiler (instead of hitting F\d+), debug with the debugger which often has an awkward text interface, &c.

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Joey Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 07:11
