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Difference between Resume and Goto in error handling block

I understand that in the following example a Resume statement should be used instead of a Goto statement.

Sub Method()
  On Error Goto ErrorHandler
  Exit Function

  Log error etc

  Err.Clear  'Is this line actually necessary?'

  Resume CleanUp 'SHOULD USE THIS'
End Sub

My question is what difference is there in the execution of the two?

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Richard Oliver Avatar asked Jun 08 '10 11:06

Richard Oliver

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1 Answers

Both transfer execution to the Cleanup label. As far as I can remember, the only differences are

  • Using Goto doesn't clear the Err object (so Err.Clear is necessary if you use Goto) and it leaves your error handler disabled. If an error occurs after the Cleanup label, it won't be handled at ErrorHandler.
  • Using Resume clears the Err object and it switches your error handler back on (it is disabled while it is handling errors). If an error occurs after the Cleanup lable, it will be handled at ErroHandler

The VB6 manual entry for the Resume statement doesn't explain these differences.

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MarkJ Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09
