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difference between "php artisan config:cache" and "php artisan cache:clear" in Laravel

In Laravel have noticed there is two way to clear the cache

php artisan cache:clear


php artisan config:cache

However i realized only the second one working properly when changing the localization, adding laravel/passport package and etc..

What is their difference ?

like image 726
ghazyy Avatar asked Nov 10 '18 06:11


People also ask

How to clear the configuration cache in PHP artisan?

php artisan config:clear is used to remove the configuration cache file. Then you can again run php artisan config:cache command to recreate the configuration cache file.

How to resolve error after PHP artisan config:cache in Laravel?

php artisan config:cache stores cached files in bootstrap/cache/config.php. So you get rename or remove that file. Now, go and test your application. It should be resolved. That’s it. We hope this post helped you to resolve error after php artisan config:cache in Laravel.

How to clear cache in Laravel application?

There are many types of cache available in laravel like route cache, view cache, application cache, and config cache. so we can easily clear cache using the artisan command. let’s see the following clear cache. Here below command help to Clear Laravel Application Cache.

What is artisan in Laravel and how to use it?

Artisan is a command line tool provided with Laravel to administer your web app code. If your site was setup for you by a developer, it’s best to leave Artisan alone. For this tutorial, you only need to know one command. What is Laravel Config Cache? Part of why developers love Laravel is because of its modular nature.

1 Answers

php artisan cache:clear - Flush the application cache

php artisan config:cache - Create a cache file for faster configuration loading. This is for configuration cache. This command will clear the configuration cache before it creates. More details

php artisan config:clear - Remove the configuration cache file

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Saumini Navaratnam Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 05:10

Saumini Navaratnam