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php array to csv conversion with column headers



I want to convert array to csv ,im able to convert the associative array to csv.

But not able to get the headers.

I want the NUMBER TYPE DATE as headers dynamically

Below is the array i converrted .

    [0] => Array
            [NUMBER] => 67
            [TYPE] => Other
            [DATE] => 3/31/2011
     [1] => Array
            [NUMBER] => 87
            [TYPE] => something
            [DATE] => 3/28/2011

     [2] => Array
            [NUMBER] => 67
            [TYPE] => Other
            [DATE] => 3/2/2011



The code is given below .But not able to get the headers but its values are coming.

 $fp1 = fopen('file.csv', 'w');

foreach ($arr2 as $fields) 
    fputcsv($fp1, $fields);

like image 223
mark rammmy Avatar asked May 03 '13 20:05

mark rammmy

3 Answers

Just use array_keys to get the keys and write them to the file first.

fputcsv($han, array_keys($arr[0]));
foreach ($arr as $a) { ... }

This assumes that you have a numeric array though (and it assumes that it's not empty). If arr[0] is not guaranteed to be set, you can use array_shift or array_slice to extract the first element. (Or you could just have a flag in your loop of whether or not the header is already written -- just have it default to false. If it's not true, set it to true and print the header.)

While I'm at it, you can use array_combine to go the opposite direction (CSV to array of associative arrays).

$data = array();
$header = fgetcsv($han);
while (($row = fgetcsv($han)) !== false) {
    $data[] = array_combine($header, $row);

(Note that this assumes you have no blank rows -- a blank row would return array() which will issue a warning with the combine and put non-sense into data.)

like image 98
Corbin Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 23:11


Robert Clark's answer is very close, but still needs simplification: There's no need for the else clause:

    $pathToGenerate='array.csv';    // your path and file name
    foreach ($array as $row)
    {   if (!$header)
        {   fputcsv($createFile,array_keys($row));
        fputcsv($createFile,$row);   // write the data for all rows
like image 45
FKEinternet Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 00:11


DarrenK 's answer is readable but incomplete. So for the noephytes.

    $pathToGenerate = 'array.csv';  // your path and file name
    $createFile = fopen($pathToGenerate,"w+");
    foreach ($array as $row) {

        if(!$header) {

            fputcsv($createFile, $row);   // do the first row of data too
            $header = true;
        else {

            fputcsv($createFile, $row);
like image 9
Robert Clark Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 00:11

Robert Clark