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Difference between newTransformer and newTemplates in Java XSLT transformations






In Java, from a TransformerFactory for creating objects to process XSLT, and it has the methods:

  • newTransformer which creates Transformer object, which can transform XML into a result.
  • newTemplates which creates Templates object which can create a Transformer.

The documentation for Transformer explicitly states:

A Transformer may be used multiple times.

My application processes various different XMLs with the same XSLT. At the start of the program I use newTransformer to create a Transformer then re-use it for all the XMLs (making sure it's synchronized so I only use it from one thread; and calling its reset() method before each processing.).

That way I don't incur the cost of re-compiling the XSLT for every XML I process.

So what's the point of the newTemplates and the Templates object? Should I be using that instead, and creating a new Transformer object for each XML?

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Adrian Smith Avatar asked Mar 11 '11 20:03

Adrian Smith

People also ask

What is the use of TransformerFactory in Java?

A TransformerFactory instance can be used to create Transformer and Templates objects. The system property that determines which Factory implementation to create is named "javax. xml. transform.

What is TransformerFactory?

A TransformerFactory is used to create Transformer objects that perform document transformations, and can also be used to process transformation instructions (such as XSLT stylesheets) into compiled Templates objects. Obtain a TransformerFactory instance by calling the static newInstance( ) method.

Is TransformerFactory thread safe?

An implementation of the TransformerFactory class is NOT guaranteed to be thread safe. It is up to the user application to make sure about the use of the TransformerFactory from more than one thread. Alternatively the application can have one instance of the TransformerFactory per thread.

2 Answers

The main difference is that Templates is thread-safe and Transformer is not. In addition, the documentation implies that performance optimizations may be applied during the creation of a Templates instance. So, the initial creation of a Templates instance may be more costly, but it's actual usage can offer performance gains. If you're already having to manually manage synchronization and resets, I'd say Templates is begging for your attention...

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kschneid Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


If you're running in a single thread, then you probably won't notice much difference.

Performance always depends on the implementation rather than on the API specification. With Saxon, when you reuse a Transformer, it retains the cache of documents loaded using the doc() function. That may be good or bad depending on whether the next transformation is going to access the same source documents. Generally my advice is to use a new Transformer for each transformation, but using the same Templates object, of course.

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Michael Kay Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10

Michael Kay