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difference between munch and many (satisfy p)?

In the module Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP, munch (and munch1) documentation says:

Parses the first zero or more characters satisfying the predicate. Always succeds, exactly once having consumed all the characters Hence NOT the same as (many (satisfy p)).

How are they different?

like image 504
Daniel K Avatar asked Oct 15 '14 09:10

Daniel K

1 Answers

First, let's find a counter-example and let's use Haskell tools to do it automatically. The QuickCheck library can give us such an counter-example very quickly:

import Data.Function (on)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
import Test.QuickCheck

prop_ParseTest :: String -> Property
prop_ParseTest input = on (===) runParser (munch pred) (many (satisfy pred))
    runParser :: ReadP a -> [(a, String)]
    runParser = flip readP_to_S input -- run a given parser on a given input
    pred :: Char -> Bool
    pred = (> 'A')

main :: IO ()
main = quickCheck prop_ParseTest

We ask it to test, whether the two parsers much pred and many (satisfy pred) are the same. QuickCheck immediately finds that they're different and tries to produce as short counter-example as possible:

*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 5 tests and 2 shrinks):    
[("a","")] /= [("","a"),("a","")]

So munch pred always consumes 'a' unconditionally, while many (satisfy pred) gives a nondeterministic answer - it might or might not not consume 'a'.

For example, consider running the following two parsers on string "abcd":

test1 = munch (> 'A') >> string "cd"

test2 = many (satisfy (> 'A')) >> string "cd"

The first fails, because munch consumes the whole string and then it's not possible to match "cd". The second one succeeds, because many (satisfy ...) creates all possible branches


and string "cd" succeeds on the branch that consumed "ab".

like image 169
Petr Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 21:09
