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Difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap




What is the difference between HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap in Java? I don't see any difference in the output as all the three has keySet and values. What are Hashtables?

Map m1 = new HashMap(); m1.put("map", "HashMap"); m1.put("schildt", "java2"); m1.put("mathew", "Hyden"); m1.put("schildt", "java2s"); print(m1.keySet());  print(m1.values());   SortedMap sm = new TreeMap(); sm.put("map", "TreeMap"); sm.put("schildt", "java2"); sm.put("mathew", "Hyden"); sm.put("schildt", "java2s"); print(sm.keySet());  print(sm.values());  LinkedHashMap lm = new LinkedHashMap(); lm.put("map", "LinkedHashMap"); lm.put("schildt", "java2"); lm.put("mathew", "Hyden"); lm.put("schildt", "java2s"); print(lm.keySet());  print(lm.values()); 
like image 863
Kevin Avatar asked May 22 '10 21:05


People also ask

What is the difference between a HashMap and a TreeMap?

HashMap allows a single null key and multiple null values. TreeMap does not allow null keys but can have multiple null values. HashMap allows heterogeneous elements because it does not perform sorting on keys. TreeMap allows homogeneous values as a key because of sorting.

What is the difference between LinkedHashMap and HashMap?

The key difference between HashMap and LinkedHashMap is order. Elements of a HashMap are not in order, totally random, whereas elements of LinkedHashMap are ordered. The entries of a LinkedHashMap are in key insertion order, which is the order in which the keys are inserted in the Map.

Which is better LinkedHashMap or HashMap?

The Major Difference between the HashMap and LinkedHashMap is the ordering of the elements. The LinkedHashMap provides a way to order and trace the elements. Comparatively, the HashMap does not support the ordering of the elements.

What is the difference between HashMap and LinkedHashMap pick one option?

Generally, unless there is a reason not to, you would use HashMap. That is, if you need to get the keys back in insertion order, then use LinkedHashMap. If you need to get the keys back in their true/natural order, then use TreeMap. Otherwise, HashMap is probably best.

1 Answers

I prefer visual presentation:

Property HashMap TreeMap LinkedHashMap
Iteration Order no guaranteed order, will remain constant over time sorted according to the natural ordering insertion-order
Get / put / remove / containsKey O(1) O(log(n)) O(1)
Interfaces Map NavigableMap, Map, SortedMap Map
Null values/keys allowed only values allowed
Fail-fast behavior Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification Fail-fast behavior of an iterator cannot be guaranteed, impossible to make any hard guarantees in the presence of unsynchronized concurrent modification
Implementation buckets Red-Black Tree double-linked buckets
Is synchronized implementation is not synchronized implementation is not synchronized implementation is not synchronized
like image 63
Sergii Shevchyk Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 09:11

Sergii Shevchyk