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difference between gabor filter and gabor transform

I have read all possible articles on gabor functions but they did not lead me to anything useful. Could someone briefly explain whether there is a difference between the two ?

Which of the above two is used in image classification ?

like image 950
klijo Avatar asked Feb 12 '12 14:02


People also ask

What is Gabor filter used for?

Gabor filters are used as detectors of small, localized cloud stretches or blobs in the satellite image. As these detectors are localized, a large number of Gabor filters are used to cover the whole image (the exact number depends on the size of the image and the size of each filter's receptive field).

What is meant by Gabor filter in image processing?

In image processing, a Gabor filter, named after Dennis Gabor, is a linear filter used for texture analysis, which essentially means that it analyzes whether there is any specific frequency content in the image in specific directions in a localized region around the point or region of analysis.

Is Gabor filter a wavelet?

Gabor wavelet filters are popularly used in many applications of image processing such as extraction of edges, texture analysis, object recognition, and many more. Local spatial as well as frequency information can be obtained by the use of Gabor wavelet filters.

What is Gabor filter for face recognition?

Gabor filter is used to capture facial features aligned at specific angles. Along with these, a Binary Particle Swarm Optimization based feature selection algorithm is used to search the feature space for the optimal feature subset.

2 Answers

I would provide you certain links that would make you clear about the concept of GABOR TRANSFORM as well as GABOR FILTERS

  1. A Tutorial on all you would want to know about gabor filters and transform


  1. More information about GABOR FILTERS


  1. A gabor filter visualization


  1. Gabor wavelet transform and its applications



like image 146
vini Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 15:12


The Gabor transform is a one-dimensional transform used for analysing 1d signals (such as audio data).

Gabor filters are two-dimensional generalisations of the Gabor transform used for analysing 2d signals (such as image data).

like image 33
Peter de Rivaz Avatar answered Dec 03 '22 15:12

Peter de Rivaz