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Difference between ExpoKit and React Native project


I did a lot of research now to find out the exact differences and trade-offs between a React Native project, CRNA and an Expo project.

My main guidance was this

However I still don't understand what (dis-)advantages I have using ExpoKit with native code vs. a normal React Native project with native code, apart from the fact that I can't use Expo APIs in a normal React Native project.

I know that when I start a project in Expo I can eject it either as ExpoKit project or as React Native project. In both I can use native code. In ExpoKit I can still use the Expo APIs in a normal React Native project I can't.

So my questions:

  1. What would be my interest to use a react native project if I can use native code and all Expo APIs in an ExpoKit project? In an ExpoKit project I can still use all Expo APIs and all React Native APIs, right?!

  2. Could I use Expo APIs in a React Native project if I install expo with npm install --save expo?

  3. What is the difference between React Native API and Expo API?

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Benjamin Heinke Avatar asked Mar 16 '18 19:03

Benjamin Heinke

People also ask

Is it better to use Expo or React Native?

If you are given a project that needs rapid development, and you have picked React Native to build the cross-platform app, Expo is the best fit for you. With Expo, you can build and deploy React Native apps for both iOS and Android with ease. With Expo, you will never touch any native iOS or native Android code.

What is ExpoKit?

ExpoKit is an Objective-C and Java library that allows you to use the Expo platform and your existing Expo project as part of a larger standard native project -- one that you would normally create using Xcode, Android Studio, or react-native init .

What is Expo CLI in React Native?

Expo CLI ( expo-cli ): a developer tool for creating projects, viewing logs, opening on your device, publishing, etc. Expo client: an app on your phone that lets you open your projects while you're working on them, without needing to go through XCode or Android Studio, and also lets other people view them too!

What is bare React Native project?

Bare workflow This is workflow where you use some of the Expo tools in a vanilla React Native app. Unlike in the managed workflow where you don't touch the underlying native code directly, in this workflow the developer has complete control, along with the complexity that comes with that.

Video Answer

1 Answers

ExpoKit is kind of a hybrid between "pure JS" Expo apps and "vanilla" React Native. At its core it's still a React Native project, but a few things differ about the build system, developer experience, and features available.


As of today, most of the APIs in Expo's SDK are not available in a vanilla React Native project, but they are available in ExpoKit. We think this might change in the future, but it'll be a lot of work.

Expo's push notification service does not currently work in ExpoKit, nor for vanilla React Native.

Build System

Both vanilla RN apps and ExpoKit apps use Xcode and Android Studio to build the native code. iOS ExpoKit apps use CocoaPods to install dependencies, which can add a little bit of complexity to managing the native build. Android ExpoKit apps have additional Gradle configuration to build multiple versions of React Native into the same binary (this is used to enable over-the-air updates of multiple SDK versions of JS), which can sometimes increase the complexity of adding other React Native libraries.

The JavaScript for an ExpoKit and React Native project is built by Metro, although in ExpoKit you need to run Metro using Expo's XDE or exp tools so that they can handle extra configuration for the project. This means you run a command like exp start rather than react-native run-android.

Due to the current design of ExpoKit (although this may change in the future), some open source React Native libraries may have compatibility issues with ExpoKit. For example, if a native library expects to be able to request a reference to React Native's OkHttp instance on Android, there may be a type mismatch when running inside ExpoKit due to the namespacing Expo uses to allow multiple versions of React Native to compile. That said, these issues tend to be pretty rare, and we're working on a few different ways for ExpoKit to be more and more compatible with libraries in the ecosystem.

This multi-version support also means that ExpoKit binaries tend to be larger than corresponding vanilla React Native binaries, although that may change in the future.

Your subquestions

  1. Some developers prefer to manage how their JS bundles and assets are distributed themselves, or they may need a library which isn't currently compatible with ExpoKit. Binary size is another reason why you may prefer vanilla RN.
  2. It's not currently possible to use most Expo APIs in a React Native project. Some APIs available in the Expo SDK are bundled from open source projects (such as react-native-maps) and can be used with a vanilla RN project.
  3. I'm not sure how to parse this question -- Expo APIs are currently just React Native APIs which know how to talk to each other and make certain assumptions about the environment they're running in.

Question from comment 1: You can modify the ExpoKit build all you want, although it may make it slightly harder to upgrade to a newer SDK release depending on how heavily you edit it.

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dikaiosune Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09
