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access logs in cron jobs kubernetes


im running cron job in kubernetes, jobs completes successfully and i log output to log file inside(path: storage/logs) but i cannot access that file due to container is in completed here is my job yaml.

apiVersion: v1 items: - apiVersion: batch/v1beta1   kind: CronJob   metadata:     labels:       chart: cronjobs-0.1.0     name: cron-cronjob1     namespace: default   spec:     concurrencyPolicy: Forbid     failedJobsHistoryLimit: 1     jobTemplate:             spec:         template:           metadata:                       labels:               app: cron               cron: cronjob1           spec:             containers:             - args:               - /usr/local/bin/php               - -c               - /var/www/html/artisan bulk:import               env:               - name: DB_CONNECTION                 value: postgres               - name: DB_HOST                 value: postgres               - name: DB_PORT                 value: "5432"               - name: DB_DATABASE                 value: xxx               - name: DB_USERNAME                 value: xxx               - name: DB_PASSWORD                 value: xxxx               - name: APP_KEY                 value: xxxxx               image: registry.xxxxx.com/xxxx:2ecb785-e927977               imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent               name: cronjob1               ports:               - containerPort: 80                 name: http                 protocol: TCP                           imagePullSecrets:             - name: xxxxx             restartPolicy: OnFailure                       terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30     schedule: '* * * * *'     successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3 

is there anyway i can get my log file content display on kubectl log command or other alternatives?

like image 515
Jack Avatar asked Nov 19 '18 09:11


People also ask

How do I see Cronjob logs in Kubernetes?

If you have all the pods started and running fine. Then you can check the logs of your pod by using kubectl logs <pod_name> syntax.

How do I see cron logs?

Stop searching for logs On Ubuntu, Debian and related distributions, you will find cron jobs logs in /var/log/syslog . Your Syslog contains entries from many operating system components and it's helpful to grep to isolate cron-specific messages. You will likely require root/sudo privileges to access your Syslog.

How do I access logs in Kubernetes?

You can see the logs of a particular container by running the command kubectl logs <container name> . Here's an example for Nginx logs generated in a container. If you want to access logs of a crashed instance, you can use –previous . This method works for clusters with a small number of containers and instances.

Where are crontab logs stored?

By default, the cron or cronjob logs are stored inside the syslog file. The syslog file is used as the default log file for most of the services and system-related events. The syslog is located inside the /var/log . The cat and grep commands can be used to filter logs.

2 Answers

Cronjob runs pod according to the spec.schedule. After completing the task the pod's status will be set as completed, but the cronjob controller doesn't delete the pod after completing. And the log file content still there in the pod's container filesystem. So you need to do:

# here  you can get the pod_name from the stdout of the cmd `kubectl get pods` $ kubectl logs -f -n default <pod_name> 
like image 104
Shudipta Sharma Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 14:10

Shudipta Sharma

I guess you know that the pod is kept around as you have successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3. Presumably your point is that your logging is going logged to a file and not stdout and so you don't see it with kubectl logs. If so maybe you could also log to stdout or put something into the job to log the content of the file at the end, for example in a PreStop hook.

like image 45
Ryan Dawson Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

Ryan Dawson